11-22-2012, 02:10 PM
This is a thread to discuss something I feel we all care about - freedom online.
We all know what SOPA was and how many people were up in arms about it. The same went for PIPA and ACTA.
Well it turns out the fight is never over as on 3rd December more decisions are being made about who controls the Internet.
The site: http://www.internetcoup.org/en/ (watch the video lower on the page too)
An interesting article about it: http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/edit...5845.story
The Internet is a relatively new set of technologies and has yet to be fully understood or exploited, especially by a government in relation with its citizens. At the moment it is largely unregulated compared to traditional media such as TV and radio and I believe it should stay that way.
I recently had to write a 3000 word essay on freedom of speech for the end of my studies (in French so you probably wouldn't understand it) and a big part of it I feel is having the tools to be heard. Today, our tools are social media, and if a government or private entity is able to pick and choose who or what is heard (even more than they can now) then it negates our freedom. The changes that may take place next month will essentially be the same as what everyone fought in regards to SOPA and the other grand scale schemes to control online activity.
Feel free to share your opinion on the matter and take part in the fight if you feel it affects you too.
How would you feel if Save-Point itself showed signs to support the online movement such as a logo/link or even a black symbol to represent blackout days?
We all know what SOPA was and how many people were up in arms about it. The same went for PIPA and ACTA.
Well it turns out the fight is never over as on 3rd December more decisions are being made about who controls the Internet.
The site: http://www.internetcoup.org/en/ (watch the video lower on the page too)
An interesting article about it: http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/edit...5845.story
The Internet is a relatively new set of technologies and has yet to be fully understood or exploited, especially by a government in relation with its citizens. At the moment it is largely unregulated compared to traditional media such as TV and radio and I believe it should stay that way.
I recently had to write a 3000 word essay on freedom of speech for the end of my studies (in French so you probably wouldn't understand it) and a big part of it I feel is having the tools to be heard. Today, our tools are social media, and if a government or private entity is able to pick and choose who or what is heard (even more than they can now) then it negates our freedom. The changes that may take place next month will essentially be the same as what everyone fought in regards to SOPA and the other grand scale schemes to control online activity.
Feel free to share your opinion on the matter and take part in the fight if you feel it affects you too.
How would you feel if Save-Point itself showed signs to support the online movement such as a logo/link or even a black symbol to represent blackout days?