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 Why is final fantasy X viewed better by fans than FFXII?
(08-18-2015, 04:38 PM)Bounty Hunter Lani Wrote: I said AFTER the event Rosy, that's still as they're watching it explode. So yeah, you failed to make your point on AFTER the Home incident. 
: Moving the goalpost. this was after. Theyre escaping it on the ship- to ever utter it is still not hero material and inexcusable. 
there is absolutely no excuse worth hearing. its moral infancy to ever be a racist. he blames the al behd because his brother chose to fight with a gun instead of the sword he gave him. for this he tells rikku- a friend - that her home blowing up is " like happy festival fireworks" like I said you cant save him. ignorence on that level is always inexcusable. his reluctance to join his parties resolve makes him a bad character.

As I also said, they don't worship Sin,  they wouldn't run the temples to get the Fayth for Summoners to get stronger and eventually DEFEAT Sin!  THEY DIDN'T KNOW SIN WAS BEATABLE BY GOING INSIDE.
Irrelevant- they knew about the last summon and yunaleska- Seamore reveals that. no where do they need to know if hes beatable- but they knew for a fact the last summon turns into sin. they just accepted that despite it being a huge threat to their power- and again my point is proven by Yunas existence. every summoner who goes on the pilgrimage has to somehow agree that everything they learned was a lie and that was ok because the world needs to end to be saved. I just dont see why they would allow that to happen. It was a goshdarn miracle a summoner hasnt decided to expose them earlier for the liars they are. Sense Literally every summoner whose ever went to zanarkand would have had the oppertunity to expose the yevon religion and the Maesters.
Sin is irrelevant to that process except in the fact that somehow youre supposed to have some mutual benefit to this. there really isnt any- It woulda been better if the yevon religion truly bought the teaching instead being manipulated by yevon cause that would ultimately make more sense. instead both are corrupt and niether seems to have a stake in eithers existence. sin coupld wipe out yevon and still get summoners to go on pilgrimages- yevon could amass power and never send out summoners or outlaw machina. At no point do they ever seem to have a tie to each other. and thats a plot hole. by definition. 

And no, Summoners don't threaten their job security at all. It's their job to lead Summoners to get the Final Aeon and defeat Sin, so losing their job security makes no sense. Sin will always come back as long as they Final Summoning is used to destroy Sin. It kills the Summoner and the Final Aeon is taken over, so more Summoners have to go through pilgrimages just to defeat Sin again. 
Their jobs are secure as long as the cycle repeats, so tell me how it destroys their security again?  Sarcasm + Confused
because these summoners have to agree every single time- again YUNA EXISTS Thats literally how both go down- for once someone decides to let the cat out of the bag and oppose the yevon religion. and it works.even then though the yevonites are not reliant on sin and sin never relies on yevon- as yevon is in total dissarray and sin woulda still be unkillable had it not been for jecht imposing his will so strongly. literally the only reason both went down was the happy circumstance nature of Two summoner parties. braska jecht and auron and yuna and her band of misfit toys. How does the cycle prolong their power? what does sin or yunaleska or yu yevon give to them that they must have? if anything the cycle exposed them- proof is in the pudding- thats literally how theyre defeated cant argue apoint from one the game proves true itself. the game tells us theyre nihilists- they believe oblivion is salvation. If thats what theyre after- then why not lead the crusaders into a suicide mission where literally they convince everyone that one prayer will finish it if they bring ALL of yevon out to do it. and then boom- oblvion. Seamore and mika get their way, and sin most likely vanishes out after using up all the magical resources on earth. they dont interconnect well at all and thats the problem- theyre both corrupt but for alternate reasons that dont connect yevons goal and the Measters.

. The Maesters didn't know there was a way to defeat Sin for good. They only knew of the Final Summoning.  
Never said they did and that really doesnt matter anway.

You wanna take out a sword and fight Sin head-on like the Crusaders did? Good luck, Rosy. Try not to end up like Chappu. 
Chappu fought with machina.

The Bahamut Aeon does blow Yevon's cover, but by then, the Summoner is likely brainwashed to the point of "Well, I made it this far.
Hundreds of years have passed and every summoner who passed these halls happened to be ok with nihilistic conclusions? think about how stupid that is; all this time you were raised to think you could make a difference- and that optimism just is gone with one swoop? bullshit- people dont flip on a dime like that, they have a confused moment and many will try to make sense of it- the type of people Summoners tend to be are much more emotional secure than just any old person. Theyre going to have more resolve than that they dedicated years of their life to saving spira. What ussually crushes them is the grind up, but Bahamut is the light to the end- only Zanarkand and the final summon lay there- and once they met yunaleska they all had to agree that the cycle was the only path to peace. I just dont buy that 1000 years of summoners all felt this way- that math is off and is far too cynical to be realistic.

Wakka was sure this machina was BANNED by Yevon. A change is comin' for ol' Wakka! 
If you don't accept people who have changed, Rosy, then I can't do anything for you. That's a horrible way to act towards people who have a total 180 mindset change to think how you think. 

This is ab honimim. and also irrelevant cause I already provided objective reasons.

And what's wrong with anyone using magic? In Final Fantasy Tactics, anyone could use magic, and you could even switch classes or put it as a secondary. 
I don't want the IZJS. End of freaking story. It sucks. I have played it. 
No thank you to that.

Its called game balance. in tactics you could use black magic but you were not able to have the same range or dmg cause it was reduced to a secondary role. It was always better to have dedicated classes, because they often improved the utility they offered.
Its hard to use tactics as an example of Zodiac being bad- CAUSE TACTICS IS THE ZODIAC JOB SYSTEM! the only difference is you cant switch around. which considering the 6 party members and action being played in live time makes alot of sense. like I said properly made rules to a game are preferable to breaking the purpose of your own items cause anyone can do anything. because they offer more powerful choices that have bigger impacts- instead of you know- just going for the most optimal load out available. you can play the game the way you want despite its flaw- but the IZJS was introduced to balance the game from a common problem. It wasnt made to spite you and I assure you the game is better for it- its way better as a design and of course you wont convince me otherwise. it offers no substance, and I dont value freedom if the choices have no impact. like I said- you could use the bombs- or you could use the axes and swords cause they hit harder and youll finish off that boss alot quicker that way, and bombs while neat offer 0% advantage over axes.IZJS fixed that. I mean Its objectively better- you just dont like it cause taste. but the design fixed alot about the games license mechanics. and made more skills and weapons USABLE and encourages more diversity in the cast and gambits.
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RE: Why is final fantasy X viewed better by fans than FFXII? - by RosyPosy - 08-18-2015, 09:54 PM

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