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 Forum Script Listings
[Image: battlesysadd.png]
If you're looking for something to tweak your existing battlesystem with new commands or features, come on in.

Battle Add-Ons: Q-Z

Remodeled Damage Display (Regular Variant)
by Cogwheel (December 9, 2004)

This is an add-on feature that replaces the generic text "Damage" indicators used for Default battle system utilizing images stored in the Graphics/Pictures folder.

Remodeled Damage Display (RTAB Variant)
by Cogwheel

This is an add-on feature that replaces the generic text "Damage" indicators used in the Real Time Action Battle system with images stored in the Graphics/Pictures folder.

Remove Battle Windows
by DerVVulfman (May 12th, 2008)

It removes all the 'battle messages' from your battle system. No simple text message saying 'Basil suffers 10 hp' or the like. But it does leave your battlestatus window intact.

RMVXA Basic ATB Delay
DoubleX (August 9, 2015)

Aids other scripters to learn how a basic atb system addon can be written.

RMVXA Linked Battlers
DoubleX (August 7, 2015)

Lets users set some states to make their owners share some stats together.

RM2K Battle Message
Originally Posted by Tooya (RMVXPUniverse)
by Hako / Translated by Lockheart (2006?)

I've noticed a few people have requested the RM2k battle system to be remade, and as far as I know no one actually has, until now. Please note that this doesn't change the battle status screen at all.

RTAB Fix for "@action = 1"
by VinVulpis (November 16, 2007)

Anyway, this is a simple bug fix for the RTAB battle system by Cogwheel. ( Originally the script has a bug with the action setting of @action == 1, where the game will freeze when you use any skill or item that targets the user of the skill, such as ally, all allies, user.

RTAB slip sp_damage
by panchokoster (Feb 20, 2008)

Trying to made the Yeyinde's Multiple Poisons system compatible with RTAB, I made this script. With this script you can make an SP poison for RTAB.

[/Highlight]Saumon's Enemy Reveals[/Highlight]

This script makes it possible to define enemies within a troop as hidden until revealed during battle. This useful for battles where a boss enemy may be one to summon underlings to fight.
This script makes it possible to define enemies within a troop as hidden This assumes that all enemies are defined within the appropriate Troops page. But once done, it is a simple matter to update the TROOP array in the Saumon_Reveal configuration module.

Side-View Battles
by RPG Advocate (unknown date)

This script is a simple script to implement side-view battles.

Simple Escape Command
by Trickster ()

This script adds an Escape Command to the Battle Commands and when used, it escapes from battle.

Single/All Target Switching
by RPG Advocate (Date Unknown)

This script allows you to create skills that can hit either a single target or the entire party or enemy group, depending on the wishes of the player. The player presses up and down at the targetting prompt to switch between single- and group-target modes.

Skip Escape Message
Helladen (August 2, 2012)

This is a simple script that only removes two lines of code in order to not show a message after successfully escaping a battle. This is very simple to do, but many people are not very good at scripts, and I have found that this is highly annoying. Additionally, no script I have found offers this support, so it should be useful to some people.

Skip Battle Log
Helladen (August 2, 2012)

This is part of YEA - Battle Engine. I took the skipping of the battle log messages and made it into its own script. This script should work with almost every system, and to install it just paste it above main and below all your other scripts. I hope people can make some use out of it.

Skip Party Command
SoulPour777 (November 21, 2015)

Plugins that adds spice to the default battle systems (FBS / SBS).

Skip Party Command Window
Helladen (July 27, 2012)

This is a script I extracted and modified from the YEA - Battle Engine by Yanfly, because the battle system I use is not compatible with it. This script will skip the party command window when a battle starts and when a turn ends, because it is really annoying to click fight, and most of the time you will not run. Furthermore, I have added an option to disable it from skipping when a battle starts to help make it more friendly to developers. I also left int he compatability for YEA - Command Party since it won't really affect anyone as well.

State Cycling
by Trickster ()

Did you ever get more than one state inflicted upon an actor in battle. Did you hate that it only displayed the highest ranked state. Well this script fixes that problem, by cycling through the states every x frames.

State Evolve
SoulPour777 (January 6, 2016)

Plugins that adds spice to the default battle systems (FBS / SBS).

Status DBS Window (2 Minute Script)
by Mac (Jan 25, 2008)

What it does is it remodels the Window_BattleStatus.

Substitute Edit
DoubleX (December 19, 2015)

Lets you sets conditions determining the battler to substitute

Taryn's Weapon Ammunition System
by DerVVulfman (November 29, 2006)

Simply put, you can now design weapons that require ammunition that you can run out of. Along with that, you have to reload your weapon with a special item that I refer to as a 'clip' or magazine.

Three-Member Battlestatus
by DerVVulfman (June 12, 2007)

Mastermind put forth a request for a modified battlestatus window that sported only three battlers at a time, and an actor command window 'fixed' into the bottom left corner of the screen. So I figured... why not? Hell, I even added a couple things just to make it work nicely.

Trickster's Bag of Battle Commands
by Trickster ()

An Addon script for my Advanced Individual Battle Commands Script which adds a few more commands or addon effects to commands.

Trickster's Battle Status
by Trickster ()

A New Battle Status look to look like Final Fantasy styled (I don't know I haven't played many Final Fantasy Games :P) Great for Sideview Battle Systems.

Up/Down Key Targetting
by ParaDog
Posted by DerVVulfman (February 7, 2008)

This allows you to target enemies in battle with the [Up] and [Down] buttons as well as the [align=left] and [align=right] ones.

Vampyr's SBABS DVV Addon #3: No Miss Attacks
DerVVulfman (August 28, 2012)

This script allows the game designer to make minimum attack values for enemies so they will never miss, and have both weapons and skill effects that do the same. This means you could create a weapon that will always deliver 1000 points of damage, have a boss enemy do a bare minimum 1500 points of damage each strike or use a healing spell that restores a bare minimum of 1000 points of health

Victor Engine - Action Conditions
by Victor Sant (December 22, 2011)

This script allows to set special conditions to determine if a skill or item can be used. You can set states, status, switches, variables or even use an custom condtion that must be met for the skill or item to be useable.

Victor Engine - Action Counter
Victor Sant (July 16, 2012)

This script allows to setup a trait givas a chance of countering actions based on the actions or their types. That way you can create traits that makes the battler retaliate when hurt with specific skills or items.

Victor Engine - Action Dodge
Victor Sant (July 16, 2012)

This script allows to setup a trait that change the evasion value based on the actions or their types. That way you can set actions to be easier or harder to evade based on the actions.

Victor Engine - Action Effectiveness
Victor Sant (January 18, 2012)

This script allows to set set restrictions for action use and effect. It’s possible to make some items not usable by some actors, or make change the effectiveness against some targets

Victor Engine - Action Reflect
Victor Sant (July 16, 2012)

This script allows to setup a trait gives a chance of reflecting actions based on the actions or their types. That way you can create traits that can repel specific skills or items.

Victor Engine - Action Restriction
Victor Sant (July 17, 2012)

This script allows to set restrictions for action use and effect. It’s possible to make some items not usable by some actors or to have no effect on specific battlers.

Victor Engine - Action States
Victor Sant (July 17, 2012)

This script allows to setup a trait that allows to change the battlers states when hit with a specific action.

Victor Engine - Action Strengthen
Victor Sant (July 17, 2012)

This script allows to setup a trait that change the power of actions based on the actions or their type. You can make equipment that strengthen specific skills or an whole skill type.

Victor Engine - Animated Battle
Victor Sant (March 8, 2012)

This is the Victor Engine – Animated Battle script. This script was done to provide a very customizable visual battle system, where the user have a very high control on the animations. With this script you can use a wide variety of sprite templates for the battlers and even use charsets.

Victor Engine - Automatic Battlers
Victor Sant (January 18, 2012)

This script allows to set a more complex AI for actors and enemies with the ‘Automatic Combat’ trait, allowing to set various conditions for the actions be used.

Victor Engine - Cooperation Skills
Victor Sant (February 11, 2013)

This script is an add-on for the ‘Victor Engine – Animated Battle’ script. It allows to implement “Cooperation Skill”, skills that can be used by more than one battler at the same time.

Victor Engine - Counter Options
Victor Sant (December 24, 2012)

This script allows you to add options to choose which skill will be used on counter attacks.

Victor Engine - Critical Hits Effects
Victor Sant (July 17, 2012)

This script allows to have better control over critical rate, damage and stup states to be changed when dealing critical damage.

Victor Engine - Custom Basic Actions
Victor Sant (January 11, 2012)

This script allows to change the basic actions of the actor: Attack and Defend, based on the actor, class, weapons, armors or states.

Victor Engine - Custom Hit Formula
Victor Sant (August 18, 2012)

This script allows to setup custom hit formulas for actions. You can use any valid ruby command to make different ways to decide if an action will be successful. Some scripting knowlegde is required.

Victor Engine - Custom Slip Effect
Victor Sant (August 2, 2012)

This scripts allows to setup custom formulas for regeneration and poison. You can setup formulas in the exact same way as you do for skills and items.

Victor Engine - Damage Limit
Victor Sant (January 4, 2012)

This script allows to set a max limit for the damage dealt. You can set this features to skills, items, equips, states, enemies, actors or classes.

Victor Engine - Damage Popup
by Victor Sant (December 21, 2011)

This script adds an popup system to damage diplay. Allowing to view the damage and states change with visible digits that pop from target.

Victor Engine - Enemy Action Conditions
Victor Sant (January 1, 2012)

This script allows the creation of custom conditions for enemies actions. Different from the default RPG Maker VX behavior, you can set more than one condition for the actions. It also give some extra conditions not avaiable by default.

Victor Engine - Leap Attack
Victor Sant (December 30, 2012)

This script is an add-on for the 'Victor Engine - Animated Batlers' script. It allows to implement 'Leap Attacks', this attacks allows the battler to stay outside of battle for some time, then return making a powerful attack. Similar to the 'Jump' from the Final Fantasy series.

Victor Engine - Map Turn Battle
Victor Sant (June 20, 2012)

This script is an add-on for the Victor Engine - Animated Battle'. It allows you to have battles that occur on the current map instead of using a transition to another scene like in the game Chrono Trigger. It doesn't make any change to anything else, like the turn mechanics of the battlesystem.

Victor Engine - Skip Battle Log
Victor Sant (January 8, 2011)

This script allows to set some of the Battle Log Messages to be skiped. Useful when using a damage pop up system. You can also skip the wait time when skiping the text to make the battle flows faster.

Victor Engine - Toggle Target
Victor Sant (January 25, 2013)

This script allows to setup certain action to have a option to toggle the targets of the action. You can switch between single/all targers or between allies/opponents. You can also setup actions to deal less damage if targeting all or have them to have the damage divided by the number of targets.

Weapons Blocked from Attacks
by DerVVulfman (December 2, 2023)

This script disables the "ATTACK" menu option in the default battlesystem if the actor is equipped with a defined weapon. This may be useful if the weapon equipped is not meant for melee attack, but for some skill action in its place (a magic staff for example).

Weapon Unleashes
by Trickster ()

This script emulates the Weapon Unleash system found in Golden Sun 1 and 2 basically when you attack with your weapon, sometimes the weapons skill is used.

XAS Enemy Kill Counter
Narzew (March 28, 2015)

Script to count enemy kills in XAS-based game. Works with RMXP. If you use custom save system, look at the bottom of the script, to prevent old save corruption.

Xenres Escape Bar Removal Script
by Xenres (October 24, 2010)

Simple script to remove the the party command window from the top of the screen. Obviously, you lose the ability to escape battles if you don't script them in somewhere else. So far, this script has worked with every battle system I've tried it with.

Xenres Single Actor Escape
by Xenres (October 24, 2010)

This script gives you the ability to have only one actor escape from the battle. It still might have a few bugs in it, so if you find this, be sure to let me know. This script is not known to play nice with custom battle systems.

XRXS's Full-View Battleback & Movable Camera

Translated from the original Japanese code, this system allows the background to be pushed out or pulled back according to the enemy being attacked or targetted.

Zenith Tactical Battle System / MGCaladtogel's Mode7 Patch
by DerVVulfman (February 23rd, 2009)

This patch allows you to use the ZTBS: Zenith Tactical Battle System (translated by Mac) with MGCaladtogel's Mode7 script.

Yanfly's Damage Popup
Posted by Helladen (April 25, 2013)

This is part of YEA - Battle Engine. It contains only the damage popup code, so it should work with almost any battle system flawlessly.

by DerVVulfman (December 30, 2009)

I guess after seeing that Trickster and Charlie Fleed have their own weird Zombie status, I thought "Hey, that was a cool effect in Final Fantasy VII. I want that too." So, I decided to figure out how to make one.

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Messages In This Thread
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:00 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:04 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:04 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:08 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:08 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:09 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:09 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:09 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:10 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:10 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:11 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:11 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:12 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:13 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:14 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:14 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:17 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:18 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:18 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:18 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:18 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:19 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:20 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:20 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:21 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:21 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:21 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 06-19-2009, 04:21 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 07-06-2009, 05:14 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 08-04-2009, 04:04 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 09-21-2009, 04:59 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 11-09-2009, 05:46 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 11-09-2009, 05:47 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 12-07-2009, 05:14 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 01-11-2010, 04:45 AM
Forum Script Listings - by DerVVulfman - 02-08-2010, 06:38 AM

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