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 Commercial Recruitment and Resources
i'd be more than willing to lend my talents to your project if you would lend yours to mine. pm me.

on the subject of that "free use agreement" stuff, i think people on forums just put that there because they feel they have to. nobody is going to sue you over it, they're just going to be whiny entitled internet babies. I've seen maybe one or two really populated forums that were super anal about forcing members to declare usage and put 20 lines of credits into 5 lines of code. nobody will ever be able to tell that it's "their's", unless it was specifically made for a certain game like Starless Umbra.

there's only so many ways to do one thing properly. if you walked into somebody else's office, and tried to describe exactly how the things on their desk came to be arranged in the way that you saw them, you would probably be wrong, but you would still see the same end result. nobody's going to blame you if, when all the pieces fall together, it resembles something somebody else did years ago on a site that only exists as a cache.
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RE: Commercial Recruitment and Resources - by KasperKalamity - 04-03-2012, 03:52 PM

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