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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

"Here lass," Marcus spoke softly.

Words flowed in a fevered rush. "Javon, riders, they... they attacked, don't know why. I went for help, and I don't know what happened to Alston and I got lost and I saw the fires! I didn't know where to go and-"

"Hush," Marcus gathered the girl in a comforting embrace. "You're safe now."

"But Javon- Uncle Marcus you HAVE to-"

"Shhh... You rest. I'll see to Javon."


It was hard to read the emotion of the expression that flickered across Marcus' face, it was only there for a split second before it returned to the comforting concern of before. "...I'll find him," he answered, "Gods willing. You were very brave Samantha, but now you have to get better, right?"

Sammie sniffled, but nodded her head.

"Good girl. These people will look after you, make you well. I'll come back."



He lay the girl back onto the bed where she obediently closed her eyes. He pulled the covers up to her chin and brushed one of her blond curls from her face.

Then, he left the house without a word.

Daniel found him in the stable, repacking the horses.

"I thought you were staying here?"

"Changed my mind," answered Marcus. Daniel noticed the old warrior didn't turn around.

"And the village?"

"Will do fine without me."

"...I see."

"Tell Robin we'll be leaving soon. I'll not have her saying I broke my word about leaving her behind, but we can't afford to stay much longer."

Daniel chewed his lip, debating how to say what he was thinking. He decided on the direct approach.

"Alston never mentioned you."

Marcus continued to work as if Daniel had said nothing.

"Neither did Sammie," Daniel pressed on. "In fact, I never even knew they had an uncle until now."

He saw Marcus hesitate in packing. So he was listening.

"Why is that, Marcus?"

"They weren't allowed."

Daniel stopped. He felt like somehow he'd touched a nerve.

"It was my idea," Marcus continued in a voice that was devoid of emotion. "The sister of a Necrordinator, even a false one? I'd never wish that on Isabelle, so we agreed I was never to be mentioned outside of the family. Safer for them, simple as that."

"Even when their mother died?" Daniel hadn't meant to say it, but it slipped out.

"You think it was easy, boy?" he said in the same cold voice. "For two years I didn't dare send so much as a note to them because of the darkness and rot that surrounded me. I didn't hear about Isabelle's death until weeks later and by then, what? Come and get them? Me, the man who was fast becoming a favorite son of a group of deathmongers and torturers? The man who let... who surrounded himself with people like Tiberius and Aric. No, even alone they were better off than if I'd come. Now get Robin, we need to pack."

And thus, the conversation ended.
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by Mea - 06-25-2009, 05:59 AM

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