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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

"SAMANTHA!" he called as he threw open the door and heard a small yelp a Sammie turned with a start.

"Alston!" she stammered, looking guilty. "Wha... What are you doing here?" Both her hands were behind her back as if hiding something.

"You need to get Chapel, now."

"Wait, why? What's going on?"

"Riders, come on!" He grabbed her arm, and as he started to drag her out, he heard a dull "clunk" of a bottle hitting the straw-covered floor.

Alston stopped. Sammie looked at him even more guiltily than before and quickly snatched up the bottle before more red fluid flowed out into a puddle and tried to jam the cork back in the neck.

"Is that Lahan's-" Alston began.

"I just wanted to taste it!" protested Sammie, "I was going to put it back! Don't tell, pleeeeease!"

Lahan would have a fit if he found out, Alston knew that much. This was some of his best wine, the stuff he saved for special occasions. And even though Lahan was almost like a father to them, Sammie'd be in so much trouble if he found out.

Of course there were more important worries first.

"We'll talk about this later, we have to GO!"

Sammie nodded mutely and followed as the two hurried out into the light.

The sound of horses and men were close now. Were they in Javon already? Alston couldn't be sure, he just knew he had to get his sister to safety and that meant the Chapel.

He heard the sound of hoofbeats in full charge and a man's scream close by. Hurriedly, he pulled Sammie in between two houses moments before a green-clad rider tore past in full gallop.

"Oh gods," he breathed.

They were here. And that rider...the rider had a sword and there was blood.

They'd never make it to the chapel now.

"Sammie, we have to find someplace to hide quick," he whispered.

Sammie nodded. She was still carrying the bottle, but had changed her grip and was now holding it more like a club. She understood.

Right now he wished he had something too. He wished he hadn't left his hammer back at the stage now.

"I have an idea," Sammie whispered back.

"You do?"

"But you're not going to like it."

"...What idea?" Alston asked.

"You're really not going to like it."

"Sammie, just tell me already!"
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by Mea - 06-25-2009, 05:54 AM

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