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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

Without a word, he the spear and tapped the blunt end against the wall. And listened.


"I can't believe it!" laughed Robin, "no more nagging, no more threats, no more BALTHUS! I've never felt this good!" She leaped up and threw her arms around Daniel's neck and kissed him, nearly knocking him off balance.

"Whoah! You're sure he's gone? I mean, REALLY sure?"

"Danny, you have no idea! For the first time, my mind... it feels free, like it's just me in there! My own thoughts, mine alone... Why?"

"Just.. thinking, that's all." A wry grin spread across his face. "I mean, you haven't slapped me lately..."

"Well... it is later and Balthus is gone."

"But we're still surrounded by things that want to kill us."

"Close enough," she giggled and kissed him again, running her fingers along the edge of his tapered ear.

It was odd. Daniel realized that, in a way, he'd always had these deep feelings for Robin. She'd always been the troublemaker, the thrill-seeker, always keeping herself out of reach and made him push those deeper feelings aside. It had taken the fear of losing her the first time in the caverns to make him realize how strong those feelings were. And as he felt her press against his chest, it seemed her feelings were just as strong.

But he still worried.

"Why did Balthus leave?" Daniel muttered absently.

"I don't know and I don't care! He's gone and that's... all that..." Robin trailed off thoughtfully.

She pulled away and glared at him. "Gods Danny, why do you have to be right again."

"Er.. sorry?"

"No... I didn't want to think about it but... Oh gods, this is all my fault. If I hadn't listened to him and put on that stupid ring-"

"Robin, you didn't know," Daniel comforted her.

"I should have."

He held her a little closer. "Like you should have known about the wine?"

She tried to hide her smile. "Don't you even start."

They stood there in each other's arms, and for the moment, they could forget about the situation they were in.



"Why are you barefoot?"

"'Cause you and Tiberius took my shoes. And everything else."

"Oh. Right. Sorry."

"Well, you weren't yourself."

"I know. I remember now, Balthus was going to melt down the armor later and throw out the rest."

Daniel glanced over at the pile. "It's safe then?"

"He didn't think you'd find this place. He just dumped it for later. He had other things to do first."

Daniel disentangled himself from Robin's embrace. "Other things?" he asked as he started to dig through the pile for his belongings. "I'm afraid to ask but... what other things?"

Robin was reluctant to remember, but she answered anyway. "A lot of things, he tried to hide most of them from me. Like why he sent the black crystal away."

Abruptly, Marcus stopped his search and Robin saw she now had his undivided attention.
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by Mea - 06-25-2009, 05:22 AM

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