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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

Through Robin's eyes, Balthus glared at him. Daniel was so surprised by the emotions he'd felt while kissing Robin, he never saw the fist swinging at his jaw. The contact made a loud cracking sound, and Daniel's head snapped back. Startled out of his daze, he held a hand up to his jaw.

"Was that necessary?" He demanded. "If I didn't do something, Robin would have been squashed by that illusion!"

Neither Balthus or Robin replied. Sighing, Daniel decided not to press the issue. "So what now? I still don't see that passageway, but at least the walls are no longer closing in on us."

Robin shook herself, forcing Balthus to retreat. "Well, if those walls were an illusion, I would have to say that there's an exit here, but it's hidden. We just have to find it."

"Right. Maybe I can use my Sight."

"And I think we'd better find that robed man again. I bet he has the key we need to get into that room."

"Alright." He agreed. "But where could he have gone?"

She smiled maliciously. "I'd bet he's hanging around here somewhere. Someone attacked us, and the only one we've seen down here is him. We just have to figure out where he is."

Daniel began to walk away, but Robin wasn't finished with him yet. "Hey." She said, grabbing his arm. "What you did..."

"Yes?" He asked hesitantly.

Smack! Robin's right hand descended upon Daniel's already aching jaw. "Don't ever do that again. Not without my permission!"


"Shut up!" She crushed her lips against his, then abruptly pulled away. "There!" She said triumphantly. "We're even!" Her face was flushed, and Daniel's heart was pounding fiercely. He wasn't sure how he was supposed to react. He wanted to kiss her again. He started to reach for her, and her hand came up again. Smack! "We have to find that robed man and the key!" She said, irritated. "There's no time to play around. Not that I want to!" Her words were defiant, yet there remained a definite flush to her cheeks.

Daniel grinned to himself. His jaw may hurt from Balthus' punch and Robin's slaps, but he had the feeling that things were going to get very interesting between him and Robin after this.

[ note: by popular demand, the word limit has been raised to 500 words. ]
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by kalier - 06-25-2009, 04:03 AM

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