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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

"The way we came in, it's gone too!"

"Quick, start searching!"

"For what?"


The massive cavern continued to grow smaller like a deflating balloon around the duo. Already it was less than half of its original expanse and contracting rapidly.

And yet...

Something on the edge of Daniel's senses nagged at him as he frantically searched for an escape. Something about the walls...

He could hear the grinding sound of stone against stone and, felt the solid rock as it pressed closer and closer in, even smelled the disturbed granite dust, but something about it didn't feel real.

The cavern was huge, he thought, Massive solid stone. And stone doesn't shrink, not like this, not this fast. No machine can do this, and no one has that kind of magic, do they? It doesn't make sense.

His eyes narrowed as the wall roared towards him. He couldn't help but to stare at it, into it...

...and through it.

Daniel blinked his elven eyes, and the illusion melted around him like morning fog. He was still standing in the vast cavern with the faint wisps of the contracting walls flowing around him like smoke.

He turned. "Robin, it's okay! It's only an... illusion."

He trailed off. Robin hadn't heard him; she was still trapped in the spell's grip. Beneath her feet, worn symbols etched into the rocky ground glowed faint patterns that pulsed with sorcery.

The spell... But it can't hurt her, it isn't real!

It can't.

Can it?


"Robin, listen to me. It's NOT REAL! ROBIN!"

She can't hear me. Now what do I do?
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by Mea - 06-25-2009, 04:01 AM

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