Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again
[Image: sGz1ErF.png]

Here we go again. :)

The story by committee that's been through several message boards and refuses to die. :) Restarting once again with as much original content as possible. Please see the rules below. Also, if you would like to feedback, PM me and I'll start a feedback thread to answer questions and take comments.

Just wanted to try something for the heck of it.

This is a Round Robin Story - it's a story by committee, where one person writes part, then passes it to the next, who then passes it to the next, and so on and so on. They tend to evolve into their own thing, so never go in thinking you know exactly where the plot is heading. ;)

A few ground rules so things stay on track. Most of them probably don't need to be said, but I've been burned in the past, so I'm gonna say 'em darn it! :)

1) Only people on the list (see below) can contribute. If you would like to join in and are not on the list, please PM me first and we'll talk. I may let you in, but I can't promise anything. If someone not on the list posts part of a story, that post will be ignored and probably removed.

2) The writer who's turn it is has 48 hours to post a response, otherwise it goes to the next person.

3) Each part can be no more than 500 words. (this is to keep anyone from monopolizing too much of the story evolution)

4) Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all important. No l33t speak or chat speak unless the context of the story dictates it. While I don't expect spotlessly perfect copy, effort must be made.

5) If someone creates a character, you cannot kill them off unless you have permission from the creator. You CAN however, leave that character in an awful situation and leave it to the next writer or writers to deal with it.

6) Content needs to stay in the PG/ PG-13 realm. I don't know Punk's policies on language, violence, or sexuality, so I'm setting it at this level just to be on the safe side.

7) The story can not be ended until at least two full writer rotations. Also, no "Rocks fall, they all die, the end" kind of endings. If you are going to wrap it up, give it some closure, not a quick buh-bye!

That said, ON WITH THE SHOW...

1) Mea
2) DerVVulfman
3) Kalier
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by Mea - 06-25-2009, 03:37 AM

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