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GMU - Guedez's Mouse Use
Guedez's Mouse Use System
Version 1.1
Thx to:Cadafalso, Near Fantastica, and some guys from asylum!
May 26 2006

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.

- You can use the mouse for menus and default battle system
- You can use the mouse click to select and cancel options
- You can use events and move in the map using the mouse
- You can use Near's pathfind system (optional)


- Its a big laggy
- Its VERY laggy on non-fullscreen mode(it wont work without Near's mouse input on non-fullscreen mode)
- Its not sdk copilant, and also, requires sdk Game_Player, so it is semi-disabled
- I am still working on mansage option box, it cant detect the options as it do to the others windows

Know Bugs:
- the arrow(enemy selection) still select dead enemys
- you cant select any options on mensage boxes


- Add the script above main

Here goes the script:
# GMUS Guedez Mouse Use System
# Version: 1.1
# Released: 26/5/2006 Last Update: 27/11/2006
# Thx to: Cadafalso, Near Fantastica, and some guys from asylum!

$pathfind = false #set to true if you want to use the near's
                  #pathfind system

class Mouse_PositionCheck
  def initialize
  def main  
  def get_window_index(window)
    return -1 if window.index == -1
    return -2 if window.index == -2
    for i in 0...window.get_rect.size
      if window.get_rect[i][0] < $bg.x and
        window.get_rect[i][1] < $bg.y and
        window.get_rect[i][2] > $bg.x and
        window.get_rect[i][3] > $bg.y
        return i
    return -999999
  def set_pos(x,y)
#==============================Thx to: Cadafalso===================
  def get_pos
    lpPoint = " " * 8 # store two LONGs
    $bg.x, $bg.y = lpPoint.unpack("LL") # get the actual values


class Window_Selectable < Window_Base
  alias g_initialize initialize
  def initialize(x, y, width, height)
    @rect_position = []
    g_initialize(x, y, width, height)
  def get_rect_positions
    index = self.index
    if @rect_position == []
      for i in 0...(self.row_max * @column_max)
        self.index = i
        p = self.cursor_rect.to_s
        p.gsub!("($1,$2,$3,$4):rect","");p.gsub!("(", ""); p.gsub!(")", "")
        p = p.split(/,\s*/)
        @rect_position[i] = [p[0].to_i + self.x + 16,
        p[1].to_i - self.oy + self.y + 16,
        p[0].to_i + p[2].to_i + self.x + 16,
        p[1].to_i + p[3].to_i - self.oy + self.y + 16]
      self.index = index
  def refresh_rect_positions
    @rect_position = []
  def get_rect
    return @rect_position
  alias guedez_update update
  def update
    if == true
      old_index = self.index
      new_index = $mouse.get_window_index(self)
      $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se) if
      old_index != new_index and not new_index == -999999
      @index = new_index if old_index != -1
      self.cursor_rect.empty if new_index == -999999
      self.index = new_index

#===================== NEAR FANTASTICA SCRIPTS ==================
#notice the Hawk-McKain changes on 'def run_path'

#  ** Path Finding
# Near Fantastica
# Version 1
# 29.11.05
# Edit: Hawk-McKain
# Lets the Player or Event draw a path from an desonation to the source. This
# method is very fast and because the palthfinding is imbeded into the Game
# Character the pathfinding can be inturputed or redrawn at any time.
# Player :: $game_player.find_path(x,y)
# Event Script Call :: self.event.find_path(x,y)
# Event Movement Script Call :: self.find_path(x,y)

# * SDK Log Script
#SDK.log("Path Finding", "Near Fantastica", 1, "29.11.05")

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
#if SDK.state("Path Finding") == true
  class Game_Character
    alias nf_pf_game_character_initialize initialize
    alias nf_pf_game_character_update update
    attr_accessor :map
    attr_accessor :runpath
    def initialize
      @map = nil
      @runpath = false
    def update
      run_path if @runpath == true
    def run_path
      # Begin Mouse Control Edit
      if moving? and
       ($game_player.check_event_trigger_here([1,2]) or
      # End Mouse Control Edit
      return if moving?
      step = @map[@x,@y]
      if step == 1
        # Begin Mouse Control Edit
        # Begin Mouse Control Edit
      dir = rand(2)
      case dir
      when 0
        move_right if @map[@x+1,@y] == step - 1 and step != 0
        move_down if @map[@x,@y+1] == step - 1 and step != 0
        move_left if @map[@x-1,@y] == step -1 and step != 0
        move_up if @map[@x,@y-1] == step - 1 and step != 0
      when 1
        move_up if @map[@x,@y-1] == step - 1 and step != 0
        move_left if @map[@x-1,@y] == step -1 and step != 0
        move_down if @map[@x,@y+1] == step - 1 and step != 0
        move_right if @map[@x+1,@y] == step - 1 and step != 0
    def find_path(x, y, max_depth = 100)
      sx, sy = @x, @y
      result = setup_map(sx, sy, x, y, max_depth)
      @runpath = result[0]
      @map = result[1]
      @map[sx,sy] = result[2] if result[2] != nil
    def clear_path
      @map = nil
      @runpath = false
    def setup_map(sx, sy, ex, ey, max_depth = 100)
      map =$game_map.width, $game_map.height)
      map[ex,ey] = 1
      old_positions = []
      new_positions = []
      old_positions.push([ex, ey])
      depth = 2
      #Pass a 3rd parameter to find_path to limit the max depth
      #The limit is 100 steps.
        loop do
          break if old_positions[0] == nil
          x,y = old_positions.shift
          return [true, map, step] if x == sx and y+1 == sy
          if $game_player.passable?(x, y, 2) and map[x,y + 1] == 0
            map[x,y + 1] = step
            new_positions.push([x,y + 1])
          return [true, map, step] if x-1 == sx and y == sy
          if $game_player.passable?(x, y, 4) and map[x - 1,y] == 0
            map[x - 1,y] = step
            new_positions.push([x - 1,y])
          return [true, map, step] if x+1 == sx and y == sy
          if $game_player.passable?(x, y, 6) and map[x + 1,y] == 0
            map[x + 1,y] = step
            new_positions.push([x + 1,y])
          return [true, map, step] if x == sx and y-1 == sy
          if $game_player.passable?(x, y, 8) and map[x,y - 1] == 0
            map[x,y - 1] = step
            new_positions.push([x,y - 1])
        old_positions = new_positions
        new_positions = []
      return [false, nil, nil]
  class Game_Map
    alias pf_game_map_setup setup
    def setup(map_id)
  class Game_Player
    alias pf_game_player_update_player_movement update_player_movement
    def update_player_movement
      $game_player.clear_path if Input.dir4 != 0
  class Interpreter
    def event
      return $[@event_id]
# * End SDK Enable Test

# Actualy my script only need the mouse stuff, but i dont think
# the rest will bring any trouble :D, so i let the full script

# ** Keyboard Input Module
# Near Fantastica
# Version 5
# 29.11.05
# The Keyboard Input Module is designed to function as the default Input module
# dose. It is better then other methods keyboard input because as a key is
# tested it is not removed form the list. so you can test the same key multiple
# times the same loop.

# * SDK Log Script
#SDK.log("Keyboard Input", "Near Fantastica", 5, "29.11.05")

# * Begin SDK Enable Test
#if SDK.state("Keyboard Input") == true
  module Keyboard
    @keys = []
    @pressed = []
    Mouse_Left = 1
    Mouse_Right = 2
    Back= 8
    Tab = 9
    Enter = 13
    Shift = 16
    Ctrl = 17
    Alt = 18
    Esc = 27
    Space = 32
    Numberkeys = {}
    Numberkeys[0] = 48
    Numberkeys[1] = 49
    Numberkeys[2] = 50
    Numberkeys[3] = 51
    Numberkeys[4] = 52
    Numberkeys[5] = 53
    Numberkeys[6] = 54
    Numberkeys[7] = 55
    Numberkeys[8] = 56
    Numberkeys[9] = 57
    Numberpad = {}
    Numberpad[0] = 45
    Numberpad[1] = 35
    Numberpad[2] = 40
    Numberpad[3] = 34
    Numberpad[4] = 37
    Numberpad[5] = 12
    Numberpad[6] = 39
    Numberpad[7] = 36
    Numberpad[8] = 38
    Numberpad[9] = 33
    Letters = {}
    Letters["A"] = 65
    Letters["B"] = 66
    Letters["C"] = 67
    Letters["D"] = 68
    Letters["E"] = 69
    Letters["F"] = 70
    Letters["G"] = 71
    Letters["H"] = 72
    Letters["I"] = 73
    Letters["J"] = 74
    Letters["K"] = 75
    Letters["L"] = 76
    Letters["M"] = 77
    Letters["N"] = 78
    Letters["O"] = 79
    Letters["P"] = 80
    Letters["Q"] = 81
    Letters["R"] = 82
    Letters["S"] = 83
    Letters["T"] = 84
    Letters["U"] = 85
    Letters["V"] = 86
    Letters["W"] = 87
    Letters["X"] = 88
    Letters["Y"] = 89
    Letters["Z"] = 90
    Fkeys = {}
    Fkeys[1] = 112
    Fkeys[2] = 113
    Fkeys[3] = 114
    Fkeys[4] = 115
    Fkeys[5] = 116
    Fkeys[6] = 117
    Fkeys[7] = 118
    Fkeys[8] = 119
    Fkeys[9] = 120
    Fkeys[10] = 121
    Fkeys[11] = 122
    Fkeys[12] = 123
    Collon = 186
    Equal = 187
    Comma = 188
    Underscore = 189
    Dot = 190
    Backslash = 191
    Lb = 219
    Rb = 221
    Quote = 222
    State ="user32","GetKeyState",['i'],'i')
    Key ="user32","GetAsyncKeyState",['i'],'i')
    def Keyboard.getstate(key)
      return true unless, 1)
      return false
    def Keyboard.testkey(key) & 0x01 == 1
    def Keyboard.update
      @keys = []
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Mouse_Left) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Mouse_Left)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Mouse_Right) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Mouse_Right)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Back) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Back)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Tab) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Tab)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Enter) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Enter)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Shift) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Shift)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Ctrl) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Ctrl)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Alt) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Alt)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Esc) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Esc)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Space) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Space)
      for key in Keyboard::Numberkeys.values
        @keys.push(key) if Keyboard.testkey(key)
      for key in Keyboard::Numberpad.values
        @keys.push(key) if Keyboard.testkey(key)
      for key in Keyboard::Letters.values
        @keys.push(key) if Keyboard.testkey(key)
      for key in Keyboard::Fkeys.values
        @keys.push(key) if Keyboard.testkey(key)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Collon) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Collon)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Equal) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Equal)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Comma) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Comma)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Underscore) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Underscore)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Dot) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Dot)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Backslash) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Backslash)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Lb) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Lb)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Rb) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Rb)
      @keys.push(Keyboard::Quote) if Keyboard.testkey(Keyboard::Quote)
      @pressed = []
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Mouse_Left) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Mouse_Left)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Mouse_Right) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Mouse_Right)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Back) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Back)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Tab) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Tab)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Enter) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Enter)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Shift) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Shift)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Ctrl) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Ctrl)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Alt) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Alt)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Esc) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Esc)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Space) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Space)
      for key in Keyboard::Numberkeys.values
        @pressed.push(key) if Keyboard.getstate(key)
      for key in Keyboard::Numberpad.values
        @pressed.push(key) if Keyboard.getstate(key)
      for key in Keyboard::Letters.values
        @pressed.push(key) if Keyboard.getstate(key)
      for key in Keyboard::Fkeys.values
        @pressed.push(key) if Keyboard.getstate(key)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Collon) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Collon)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Equal) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Equal)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Comma) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Comma)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Underscore) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Underscore)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Dot) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Dot)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Backslash) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Backslash)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Lb) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Lb)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Rb) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Rb)
      @pressed.push(Keyboard::Quote) if Keyboard.getstate(Keyboard::Quote)  
    def Keyboard.trigger?(key)
      return true if @keys.include?(key)
      return false
    def Keyboard.pressed?(key)
      return true if @pressed.include?(key)
      return false

# * End SDK Enable Test

#=================== END OF NEAR FANTASTICA SCRIPTS =============


$showm = 'user32', 'keybd_event', %w(l l l l), ''
$mouse =
$getCursorPos ="user32", "GetCursorPos", ['P'], 'V')
$setCursorPos ="user32", "SetCursorPos", ['I','I'], 'V')
$bg =
$bg.bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon('001-Weapon01')
$bg.z = 999999
$bg.y = 0
$bg.x = 0

module Input

  if @self_update == nil
    @self_update = method('update')
    @self_press = method('press?')
    @self_rep = method('repeat?')
  def self.update

  def self.trigger?(key_code)
      return true
    if key_code == C
      return Keyboard.trigger?(Keyboard::Mouse_Left)
    elsif key_code == B
      return Keyboard.trigger?(Keyboard::Mouse_Right)
  def self.repeat?(key_code)
      return true
    if key_code == C
      return Keyboard.pressed?(Keyboard::Mouse_Left)
    elsif key_code == B
      return Keyboard.pressed?(Keyboard::Mouse_Right)

class Arrow_Enemy < Arrow_Base  
  def update
    $game_troop.enemies.size.times do
      break if self.enemy.exist?
      @index += 1
      @index %= $game_troop.enemies.size
    #size = 0
    #for i in 0...$game_troop.enemies.size
    #  size += 1 if $game_troop.enemies[i].hp > 0
    size = $game_troop.enemies.size if size == nil
    @index = ((size / 640.0) * $bg.x.to_f).to_i
    if self.enemy != nil
      self.x = self.enemy.screen_x
      self.y = self.enemy.screen_y


class Arrow_Actor < Arrow_Base
  def update
    @index = 0 if $bg.x > 0 and $bg.x <= 160 and 0 <= ($game_party.actors.size - 1)        
    @index = 1 if $bg.x > 160 and $bg.x <= 320 and 1 <= ($game_party.actors.size - 1)    
    @index = 2 if $bg.x > 320 and $bg.x <= 480 and 2 <= ($game_party.actors.size - 1)    
    @index = 3 if $bg.x > 480 and $bg.x <= 640 and 3 <= ($game_party.actors.size - 1)    
    if != nil
      self.x =
      self.y =
class Window_Target < Window_Selectable
  alias gupdate update
  def update
    @defaultx = 0 if @defaultx == nil
    if @defaultx != self.x
      @defaultx = self.x

  def update_cursor_rect
    if @index == -1
      self.cursor_rect.set(0, 0, self.width - 32, @item_max * 116 - 20)
      self.cursor_rect.set(0, @index * 116, self.width - 32, 96)

class Scene_Battle
  def phase3_setup_command_window = false
    @party_command_window.visible = false = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    @actor_command_window.x = @actor_index * 160
    @actor_command_window.index = 0


class Scene_Equip
  def initialize(actor_index = 0, equip_index = 0)
    @actor_index = actor_index
    @equip_index = equip_index
    @actor = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]

  alias gmain main
  def main
    @dummy =, 99)
  alias gupdate_right update_right
  def update_right
    if @right_window.index == -999999
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

    def refresh
    @item_window1.visible = (@right_window.index == 0)
    @item_window2.visible = (@right_window.index == 1)
    @item_window3.visible = (@right_window.index == 2)
    @item_window4.visible = (@right_window.index == 3)
    @item_window5.visible = (@right_window.index == 4)
    @dummy.visible = (@right_window.index == -999999)
    item1 = @right_window.item
    case @right_window.index
    when 0
      @item_window = @item_window1
    when 1
      @item_window = @item_window2
    when 2
      @item_window = @item_window3
    when 3
      @item_window = @item_window4
    when 4
      @item_window = @item_window5
    when -999999
      @left_window.set_new_parameters(nil, nil, nil)
      item2 = @item_window.item
      last_hp = @actor.hp
      last_sp = @actor.sp
      @actor.equip(@right_window.index, item2 == nil ? 0 :
      new_atk = @actor.atk
      new_pdef = @actor.pdef
      new_mdef = @actor.mdef
      @actor.equip(@right_window.index, item1 == nil ? 0 :
      @actor.hp = last_hp
      @actor.sp = last_sp
      @left_window.set_new_parameters(new_atk, new_pdef, new_mdef)

class Scene_Skill
    def update_target
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) = true
      @target_window.visible = false = false
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      unless @actor.skill_can_use?(
      if @target_window.index == -1
        used = false
        for i in $game_party.actors
          used |= i.skill_effect(@actor, @skill)
      if @target_window.index == -2
        target = $game_party.actors[@target_window.index + 10]
        used = target.skill_effect(@actor, @skill)
      if @target_window.index <= -3
      if @target_window.index >= 0
        target = $game_party.actors[@target_window.index]
        used = target.skill_effect(@actor, @skill)
      if used
        @actor.sp -= @skill.sp_cost
        if $game_party.all_dead?
          $scene =
        if @skill.common_event_id > 0
          $game_temp.common_event_id = @skill.common_event_id
          $scene =
      unless used

class Scene_File
  def update
    for i in @savefile_windows
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      if @file_index == -1
        $game_temp.last_file_index = @file_index
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
    if $bg.y > 64 and $bg.y < 168
      if @savefile_windows[0].selected == false
      @savefile_windows[0].selected = true
      @savefile_windows[1].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[2].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[3].selected = false
      @file_index = 0
    elsif $bg.y > 168 and $bg.y < 272
      if @savefile_windows[1].selected == false
      @savefile_windows[0].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[1].selected = true
      @savefile_windows[2].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[3].selected = false
      @file_index = 1
    elsif $bg.y > 272 and $bg.y < 376
      if @savefile_windows[2].selected == false
      @savefile_windows[0].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[1].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[2].selected = true
      @savefile_windows[3].selected = false
      @file_index = 2
    elsif $bg.y > 376 and $bg.y < 480
      if @savefile_windows[3].selected == false
      @savefile_windows[0].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[1].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[2].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[3].selected = true
      @file_index = 3
      @file_index = -1
      @savefile_windows[0].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[1].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[2].selected = false
      @savefile_windows[3].selected = false

class Scene_Menu
  def update_status
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)# or Keyboard.trigger?(Keyboard::Mouse_Right)
      $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) = true = false
      @status_window.index = -1
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)# or Keyboard.trigger?(Keyboard::Mouse_Left)
      unless @status_window.index < 0
        case @command_window.index
        when 1
          if $game_party.actors[@status_window.index].restriction >= 2
          $scene =
        when 2
          $scene =
        when 3
          $scene =

class Game_Player
  def update
    last_moving = moving?
    unless moving? or $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
           @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing or
      case Input.dir4
      when 2
      when 4
      when 6
      when 8
    last_real_x = @real_x
    last_real_y = @real_y
    if @real_y > last_real_y and @real_y - $game_map.display_y > CENTER_Y
      $game_map.scroll_down(@real_y - last_real_y)
    if @real_x < last_real_x and @real_x - $game_map.display_x < CENTER_X
      $game_map.scroll_left(last_real_x - @real_x)
    if @real_x > last_real_x and @real_x - $game_map.display_x > CENTER_X
      $game_map.scroll_right(@real_x - last_real_x)
    if @real_y < last_real_y and @real_y - $game_map.display_y < CENTER_Y
      $game_map.scroll_up(last_real_y - @real_y)
    unless moving?
      if last_moving
        result = check_event_trigger_here([1,2])
        if result == false
          unless $DEBUG and
            if @encounter_count > 0
              @encounter_count -= 1
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        if (@field_x == self.x + 1 and @field_y == self.y and
          self.direction == 6) or (@field_x == self.x - 1 and
          @field_y == self.y and self.direction == 4) or
          (@field_x == self.x and @field_y == self.y + 1 and
          self.direction == 2) or (@field_x == self.x and
          @field_y == self.y - 1 and self.direction == 8)
      if Input.repeat?(Input::C)
        unless moving? or $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or
           @move_route_forcing or $game_temp.message_window_showing or
           @cant_move and not (@field_x == self.x and @field_y == self.y)
  def check_curor_field
    dummyx = $game_map.display_x > 0 ? $bg.x + 16 : $bg.x
    @field_x = dummyx / 32 + $game_map.display_x / 128
    @field_y = $bg.y / 32 + $game_map.display_y / 128
  def move_by_mouse
    dy = @field_x - self.x
    dx = self.y - @field_y
    if $pathfind
      if dx > 0 and dy > 0 #quarter 1
        if dx > dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 8)
        elsif dx < dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 6)
        elsif dx == dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 8)
      elsif dx > 0 and dy < 0 #quarter 2
        if dx > -dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 8)
        elsif dx < -dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 4)
        elsif dx == -dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 8)
      elsif dx < 0 and dy < 0 #quarter 2
        if -dx > -dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 2)
        elsif -dx < -dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 4)
        elsif -dx == -dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 2)
      elsif dx < 0 and dy > 0 #quarter 4
        if -dx > dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 2)
        elsif -dx < dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 6)
        elsif -dx == dy
          if passable?(self.x, self.y, 2)
      elsif dx == 0 and dy < 0
      elsif dx == 0 and dy > 0
      elsif dx < 0 and dy == 0
      elsif dx > 0 and dy == 0

class Window_Message < Window_Selectable
  def update
    old_index = self.index
    new_index = $mouse.get_window_index(self)
    $game_system.se_play($data_system.cursor_se) if
    old_index != new_index and not new_index == -999999
    @index = new_index if old_index != -1
    self.cursor_rect.empty if new_index == -999999
    self.index = new_index
    # Se Fade_in
    if @fade_in
      self.contents_opacity += 24
      if @input_number_window != nil
        @input_number_window.contents_opacity += 24
      if self.contents_opacity == 255
        @fade_in = false
    # Se for entrada num�rica
    if @input_number_window != nil
      # Confirmar
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        $game_variables[$game_temp.num_input_variable_id] =
        $game_map.need_refresh = true
        # Exibir a janela de entrada num�rica
        @input_number_window = nil
    # Se a mensagem estiver sendo exibida
    if @contents_showing
      # Se a escolha n�o estiver sendo exibida pausar
      if $game_temp.choice_max == 0
        self.pause = true
      # Cancelar
      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
        if $game_temp.choice_max > 0 and $game_temp.choice_cancel_type > 0
          $$game_temp.choice_cancel_type - 1)
      # Confirmar
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        if $game_temp.choice_max > 0
    # Se houver mensagem em espera ou estiver em escolha
    if @fade_out == false and $game_temp.message_text != nil
      @contents_showing = true
      $game_temp.message_window_showing = true
      self.visible = true
      self.contents_opacity = 0
      if @input_number_window != nil
        @input_number_window.contents_opacity = 0
      @fade_in = true
    # Se a mensagem n�o estiver sendo exibida
    if self.visible
      @fade_out = true
      self.opacity -= 48
      if self.opacity == 0
        self.visible = false
        @fade_out = false
        $game_temp.message_window_showing = false

Messages In This Thread
GMU - Guedez's Mouse Use - by Guedez - 05-26-2006, 01:00 PM

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