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The Legion's Grasp
Chapter 5

Mat, Myana, Sem, Hogarth, Hideo and Ky charged the length from the fortress doors into the fray, brandishing weapons and charging up spells. Hideo launched his shield into the mess, hitting several demons with big clanging sounds as it ricocheted off each one. After that got their attention, and probably sporting a nasty headache, each demon charged towards the paladin. They pounded on his shield, then were met with a hail of arrows and magic. Swords streaked across demonic flesh. The hellspawn fell. The group bounced into the next squad and systematically cut them down. It went on like this for several minutes, anything that barred their path was killed almost instantly. The air was full of vapourised demon essence, visible as a hazy green mist.

Elsewhere in the battlefield, Catteeka the gnome warrior was carving up Infernal. Her small size and lack of muscle belied her strength. She could easily hold off entire units of these things on her own, her working was slow, but with deadly accuracy. She was more at home with a blade and shield more than a scribe was with a pen. She wasn't really doing anything major, not heading toward any particular goal in the fight, not going for the leaders, not trying to find the rest of her team. They would surely find her through the massive gap in the ranks, littered with the ruined bodies of the Legion. At the moment she was just cleaning up.

Eventually, the group of the Outcasts and their plus-one reached the minitank, increasing the carnage. If one were to look from above the battlefield, they might have seen the vast lines cut into the army. The Legion was missing about a third of its soldiers. Now it turned its attention inwards, half ignoring their assault on Wildhammer Stronghold, to kill these imbeciles who would try to halt their advance. Victory was inevitable, it would happen either now or in 10 minutes, just after these bugs were crushed.

After there was a big enough area cleared, the group decided to break slightly. The caster's mana was getting low, and the tanks were tiring. Semellet looked around to see the Legion surrounding them, but none of them were daring to move for fear of being instantly cut down should they be more easy to spot than anyone else.

"It's about time we stopped killing them and go for their leader."

"Excuse me, but have you actually SEEN the size of that Eredar?" Said Myana.

"No we'll be fine, it just needs a good owning!" Exclaimed Neokyze.

"You know I'll tank for you wherever you want to go, love." Assured Catteeka.

"Come on guys, we can do this." Said a confident Hogarth.

Feeling around the air for traces of magic energy, Mat seemed satisfied that he had recharged. He nodded to show his readiness.

The group stood up, and glared around at the demons that were in the way of the Eredar. A lot of them cowered, but those lined behind them pushed them forward, because then the Outcasts would have to get past those first. A few demons began to chant and jeer at the group, and those were the first to taste death from one of Hogarth's keen arrows, just because they were annoying him. The Outcasts and the plus one began to advance once more. Three frostbolts whizzed over Neo's shoulder in quick succession and whammed into a Doomguard, killing it. The tanks reached the front line, Hideo began by sending a circular blast of holy light in a few metres radius around him, scorching the unholy Legion, too distracted by the pain to concentrate their attacks on a single target, and were quickly felled. Neokyze jumped over a corpse and planted his blade through the chest of a Doomguard, whilst Catteeka zoomed across to another, swiftly removing its lower legs from beneath it. With the demon at a more manageable height, the gnome dealt the killing blow and moved onto the next in line.

Carving their way through the ranks, the group inched forward, demon commanders urging their forces to throw themselves into the path of the Alliance members to slow their inexorable advance. A couple of minutes later, they had their first sight of the Eredar leading the attack on the dwarven stronghold. Its stance was stoic, and though it was rare for demons to show such emotion, there were worry lines crinkling it's forehead. This Eredar must've been the one that has suffered the most defeats in past operations in Shadowmoon Valley. That is the reason why he lashed out at the dwarves... vengeance.

Some demons tried to surround the group, but they were quickly put to rest by a few radial blasts of arcane energy from the mage. In the end, it was just the group and the Eredar. The demons who remained kept a far distance, from cowardice or common sense it was hard to tell. The Eredar's face remained passive and lazily gestured towards the Outcasts.

"You will not stop us."

Hearing no response it continued. "The Legion will conquer all. The mighty Sargeras will destroy this pitiful place, and then will crush Azeroth. Because of your insolence, your suffering will be tenfold!"

Neokyze laughed. "Shut up fool! Meet my friend; PAIN!" He jumped forward and tried to slash with his sword, but the Eredar merely batted him away with a heavy hand. Kyze hit the floor hard, but his stubbornness (or thick headedness?) meant he was unaffected for the most part. He stood up again, though a little woozy. Myana chucked a heal his way and he felt slightly better.

"I will show you who the fool is..." Boomed the Eredar, still slightly passive, but a small smile crept onto his features. "I will make you all wish you had never been born!"
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The Legion's Grasp - by Luke - 12-12-2008, 08:32 AM
The Legion's Grasp - by Luke - 12-12-2008, 08:33 AM
The Legion's Grasp - by Luke - 12-12-2008, 08:34 AM
The Legion's Grasp - by Luke - 12-12-2008, 08:36 AM
The Legion's Grasp - by Luke - 12-12-2008, 08:37 AM

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