Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again

The chink of armor woke Robin up with a start. She didn’t stir or dare open her eyes, but the sound of the chain armor echoed in the cave. Where ever the sound emanated, it wasn’t too close. Cracking open her eyelids, she scanned the cavern floor for her gear.

For her sword.

The quiet chink of armor moved about rapidly. Whoever they were, they were on the move. She couldn’t tell how many there were, but there was more than one at least. Robin slipped her hand around the hilt of her blade before drawing it to her side.

Damn, she thought. They found us. She squeezed her eyes shut and grimaced. They’re here for the rest of Javon . Tightening her grip around her sword, Robin flung off her covers and rolled to her feet. She drew her sword... spoiling for a fight.

The child of eight ran about the entrance of the cave wearing a red tabard. She was chased by a boy her age wearing chain gauntlets much too large for his hands. Another child was there too, but summarily sat on the floor and crossed her arms... a scowl on her face as the other two ignored her.

Robin happily lowered her sword as she saw the children playing in the morning light and giggled. Turning around, she returned her sword to pile only to notice some of her gear missing.

“Little brats,” she giggled. “Swiped my armor.”

* * *

Large chunks of wood flew with each sword strike.

Marcus stood from a distance as he gauged the young man’s skill with the blade. Daniel continued his assault on the wooden post he used for target practice. He was moving faster and faster with each attack.


More splinters flew as Daniel drew his sword down upon the post.


Daniel broke away from his assault, allowing Marcus to approach. He noted that the boy didn’t even break a sweat, even with all the wood chips lying around. The post was severely damaged in the short time the boy practiced.

“Marcus,” he responded with a smile. “That felt good.”
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Round Robin 1.3: The Saga Continues Again - by DerVVulfman - 06-25-2009, 06:34 AM

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