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Piece Substitution Puzzle Game
Piece Substitution Puzzle Game
By Ánemus
Aug 27, 2008

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The by Ánemus, and the Press Esc for more information are the map that is behind.

# Piece Substitution Puzzle Game (PSPG)
#  By Ánemus
#   [url=][/url]
# This time I present a simple script. This is the second version of an older
# script I made a long time ago. It's just a substitution puzzle game, but,
# with the right drawings, you can make a real challenge.
# For customizing this we have the next options:
# YELLOW: Indicates the color the Title of the puzzle will be. Red Green Blue
YELLOW =, 206, 0)
# LOSE_SOUND: Indicates the sound played when you lose.
LOSE_SOUND = "Audio/SE/058-Wrong02.ogg"
# WIN_SOUND: Indicates the sound played when you win.
WIN_SOUND = "Audio/SE/056-Right02.ogg"
# PIECE_SOUND: indicates the sound played when you select a piece.
PIECE_SOUND = "Audio/SE/105-Heal01.ogg"
# BIP_SOUND: Indicates the sound that is played when you are running out of
# time.
BIP_SOUND = "Audio/SE/002-System02.ogg"
# READY: Indicates the text shown when you start the game. Keep it short.
READY = "Ready?"
# DONE: Indicates teh text shown when you win the game. Keep it short.
DONE = "Done!"
# TIME: Indicates teh text shown when you lose the game. Keep it short.
TIME = "Time is up!"
# And that's it! The picture shal be 300 x 300 pixels.
# For calling the system use the next structure:
# $scene ="image", pieces, seconds, variable)
#  -"image" is the picture (stored in pictures) 300x300 in size. The name of
#   the file goes between " ".
#  -pieces: is a number form 3 (minimum) to 6 (maximum) that indicates the
#   number of pieces. 3 will make 3x3 6, 6x6.
#  -seconds: is the number of seconds. 60 seconds is a minute 120 is two...
#  -variable: is the variable where the result of the game is stored. Look at
#   the example to see how it is done (you need Local Switches and another page
#   in the event). 1 means lose, 2 means win.
class Scene_Puzzle
  def initialize(image, pieces, sec, goto, text)
    @img = image
    @px = pieces
    @tm = sec
    @gt = goto
    @tx = text
    @cl = YELLOW
    @waitcount = 0
  def main
    @sprite =
    @t =
    @t.refresh @tm
    @m = (RPG::Cache.picture(@img), @tx, @cl)
    @p = (RPG::Cache.picture(@img), @px) = false
    @r =
    @r.z = 10000
    @fstc = false
    @ac = 0
    @waitcount = Graphics.frame_rate
    loop do
      if $scene != self
  def update
    @waitcount -= 1 if @c == nil and @r == nil
    @p.update = true
    if @waitcount == 0
      @tm -= 1
      @t.refresh (@tm)
      @waitcount = Graphics.frame_rate
    if @tm == 0 and @c == nil
      if @st
      Audio.se_play(LOSE_SOUND, 70, 150)
      $game_variables[@gt] = 1
      @c = false
      @c.z = 10000 = false
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      if @r != nil
        @r = nil = true
      if @c != nil
        $scene =
      if @fstc == false
        @fsti = @p.index
        @p.set_oldindex @fsti
        @fstc = true
        if @fsti != @p.index
          Audio.se_play(WIN_SOUND, 70, 150)
          @p.change (@fsti, @p.index)
            if @st
            Audio.se_play(PIECE_SOUND, 70, 150)
            $game_variables[@gt] = 2
            @c = true
            @c.z = 10000
   = false
          @fstc = false
          @p.set_oldindex -1
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      if @fstc == true
        @fstc = false
        @p.set_oldindex -1
class WT < Window_Base
  def initialize
    super (418,224,149,64)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $fontface
    self.contents.font.size = 25
    @time = 0
  def refresh (t = 0)
    if @time < t
      @time = t
      @addv = 50/(15-7)
      @addf = 50/7
    if t <= 15 and t > 7
      color =,210,0)
      Audio.se_play(BIP_SOUND, 50+ (@addv * (15-t)).round, 100)
    elsif t <15 and t > 0
      color =,0,0)
      Audio.se_play(BIP_SOUND, 50 + (@addv * (15-t)).round, 100 + (@addf * (7-t)).round)
      color = normal_color
    min = t / 60
    sec = t % 60
    text = sprintf("%02d:%02d", min, sec)
    draw_text_outline(0, 6, 104, 32, text, 2,,0,0), color)
class Mdl < Window_Base
  def initialize (img, nam = "Puzzle", colr = YELLOW)
    super (145,40,458,172)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $fontface
    self.contents.font.size = 25
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    bit = img
    x = -2
    y = -3
    for i in 0..100
      for a in 0..100
        self.contents.blt(i+318+x, a+32+y, bit,*3, a*3, 1, 1), 200)
    for i in 0..100
      for a in 0..100
        self.contents.blt(i+318+x, a+32+y, bit,*3+1, a*3+1, 1, 1), 200)
    for i in 0..100
      for a in 0..100
        self.contents.blt(i+318+x, a+32+y, bit,*3+2, a*3+2, 1, 1), 200)
    @nm = nam
  def refresh
    draw_text_outline (14,0, 300, 32, @nm, 0,,0,0), YELLOW)
class WP < Window_Base
  def initialize(image, num)
    if num <3
      num = 3
    if num > 6
      num = 6
    x = 640 - 331 -206 - 1
    super(x, 90, 360, 360)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $fontface
    self.contents.font.size = $fontsize
    @im = image
    @num = num
    @fstch = false
    pieces = num*num
    pieces -= 1
    @op = []
    @us = []
    for i in 0..pieces
      @us.push i
    i = 0
    for i in 0..pieces
      don = rand(@us.size - 1)
      @op.push (@us[don])
      @us[don] = nil
    @column_max = @num
    @index = 0
  def index
    return @index
  def set_index=(index)
    @index = index
  def set_oldindex (index)
    @oindex = index
  def refresh
    bit = @im
    cw = bit.rect.width / @num
    ch = bit.rect.height / @num
    @d = cw
    @o =  255
    @re = true
    cox = coy = (6-@num)/2
    for i in 0...@op.size
      ln = ask_lin i
      picy = ask_picy i
      x = i - ln*@num
      picx = @op[i] - picy*@num
      src_rect =*picx, ch*picy, cw, ch)
      @o =  255
      @re = true
      if i == @index and i != @oindex
        @o = 150
      if i == @oindex
        @o = 100
      self.contents.blt((cw+1)*x+5+cox, (ch+1)*ln+4+coy, RPG::Cache.picture("back"), (0, 0, cw+2, cw+2))
      self.contents.blt((cw+1)*x+6+cox, (ch+1)*ln+5+coy, bit, src_rect, @o)
  def replacearray
    faf = []
    for i in 0...@us.size
      if @us[i] != nil
        faf.push (@us[i])
    @us = faf
  def update
    if == true
      ml = ask_lin (@op. size - 1)
      if Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN)
        if @index > @num*ml-1
          @index -= @num *ml
          @index += @num
      if Input.repeat?(Input::UP) or Input.trigger? (Input::UP)
          @index -= @num
        if @index < 0
          @index +=@num * @num
      if Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT)
        if @index == 0 or @index == @num or @index == @num*2 or @index == @num*3 or @index == @num*4 or @index == @num* 5
          @index += @num-1
          @index -= 1
      if Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT)
        if @index == (@num -1) or @index == ((@num*2) -1) or @index == ((@num * 3) -1) or @index == ((@num * 4)-1) or @index == ((@num * 5) -1) or @index == ((@num * 6) -1)
          @index -= @num - 1
          @index += 1
  def change (i, a)
    res = @op[i]
    @op[i] = @op[a]
    @op[a] = res
  def update_cursor_rect
  def win?
    ol = 0
    for i in 0...@op.size
      if @op[i] == i
        ol += 1
    if ol == @num * @num
      return true
      return false
  def ask_lin (i)
    case @num
    when 4
      if i <4
        ln = 0
      if i >3 and i<8
        ln = 1
      if i >7 and i <12
        ln = 2
      if i >11
        ln = 3
    when 3
      if i <3
        ln = 0
      if i >2 and i<6
        ln = 1
      if i >5
        ln = 2
    when 5
      if i <5
        ln = 0
      if i >4 and i<10
        ln = 1
      if i >9 and i <15
        ln = 2
      if i >14 and i <20
        ln = 3
      if i > 19
        ln = 4
    when 6
      if i <6
        ln = 0
      if i >5 and i<12
        ln = 1
      if i >11 and i <18
        ln = 2
      if i >17 and i <24
        ln = 3
      if i > 23 and i < 30
        ln = 4
      if i > 29
        ln = 5
    return ln
  def ask_picy (i)
      if @op[i] < @num
        picy = 0
      if @op[i] >@num-1 and @op[i]<@num *2
        picy = 1
      if @op[i] >@num*2-1 and @op[i] < @num*3
        picy = 2
      if @op[i] >@num*3-1 and @op[i] <@num * 4
        picy = 3
      if @op[i] > @num * 4 -1 and @op[i] < @num * 5
        picy = 4
      if @op[i] > @num*5 - 1
        picy = 5
    return picy
class WL < Window_Base
  def initialize (caso)
    super (251,208,144,72)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $fontface
    self.contents.font.size = $fontsize
    @cs = caso
  def refresh
    if @cs == true
      text = DONE
      text = TIME
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    draw_text_outline(1, 0, 104, 32, text, 1)
class WR< Window_Base
  def initialize
    super (251,208,144,72)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $fontface
    self.contents.font.size = $fontsize
  def refresh
    text = READY
    draw_text_outline(1, 0, 104, 32, text, 1)
class Window_Base < Window
  def draw_text_outline(x, y, wid, hei, text, align = 0, line =,0,0),fore = normal_color)
    self.contents.font.color = line
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 1,y + 1,wid,hei,text, align)
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 1,y - 1,wid,hei,text, align)
    self.contents.draw_text(x - 1,y - 1,wid,hei,text, align)
    self.contents.draw_text(x - 1,y + 1,wid,hei,text, align)
    self.contents.draw_text(x - 1,y,wid,hei,text, align)
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 1,y,wid,hei,text, align)
    self.contents.draw_text(x ,y-1,wid,hei,text, align)
    self.contents.draw_text(x,y+1,wid,hei,text, align)
    self.contents.font.color = fore
    self.contents.draw_text(x,y,wid,hei,text, align)

Put this in a page above the MAIN page.

Copy the back.png file from the Pictures folder of the Demo.

Configure the system as the green text says.

The calling istructions are in the green text, and also on the Demo.

The disclaimer said you would need to look at the demo to see how it works. Unfortunatly, the demo and its host site no longer exists.

Messages In This Thread
Piece Substitution Puzzle Game - by Ánemus - 08-27-2008, 01:00 PM

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