Recover HP/SP on the Map
Sorry to revive such an old post, however I have found some inconvenients to it.

I suppose the main idea of the script was for it to work with an one-player system or an ABS, because the HP/SP shown is always the one of the main character. Even if he is already healed and another party member isn't, it will show a percentage of the HP/SP recovered based on the first character, not the one who is being healed.

PD: I'm trying to add this to a Passive Skill (using States Activation System by Charlie Fleed) called 'HP/SP while moving' but I cannot manage to make it work with actor.state?(x) instead of the switch. Any help?
I'm looking for a scripter to help me with my proyect. Need some minor adjustments-modifications and some larger codes. The larger ones will be remunerated :) Thanks beforehand.
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Messages In This Thread
Recover HP/SP on the Map - by Raziel - 03-07-2008, 04:38 AM
RE: Recover HP/SP on the Map - by Iqus - 03-01-2014, 01:10 PM

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