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Customizable Ring Menus
This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given.

This Code allows you to make Customizable Ring Menu's as you would Command Windows.

Insert this Below Window_Command
# Window_RingMenu
#  Created By SephirothSpawn (10.29.05)
#     Last Updated: (11.11.05)

# Class Window Ring Menu
class Window_RingMenu < Window_Base
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_accessor :index
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(commands, icons, radius = 64, center_x = nil, center_y = nil, width = 640, height = 480)
    # Sets Up Window
    super(0, 0, width, height)
    # Sets Center Coordinates to player Center by Default
    center_x = $game_player.screen_x - 30 if center_x == nil
    center_y = $game_player.screen_y - 48 if center_y == nil
    self.contents =, height-32)
    # Select Font Type, Size and Color = "Arial"
    self.contents.font.size = 22
    self.contents.font.color =, 255, 255, 255)
    # Sets up Window Border and Window Background Opacity
    self.opacity, self.back_opacity = 0, 0
    # Sets Up Commands & Icons
    @commands = commands
    @item_max = commands.size
    @index = 0
    @items = icons
    # Sets Up Radius
    @radius = radius
    # Sets Up Disabled Items
    @disabled =, false)
    # Sets Up Center of Ring
    @cx = center_x
    @cy = center_y
    # Disabled Icon
    @icon_disable = RPG::Cache.icon("")
    # Frame Setup
    @startup_frames = 20
    @moving_frames = 5
  # * Setup Move Start
  def setup_move_start
    @mode = 1
    @steps = @startup_frames
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    case @mode
      when 1; refresh_start
      when 2; refresh_wait
      when 3; refresh_move(1)
      when 4; refresh_move(0)
    rect = - 272, @cy + 24, self.contents.width-32, 32)
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[@index], 1)
  # * Update
  def update
  # * Refresh Start
  def refresh_start
    d1 = 2.0 * Math::PI / @item_max
    d2 = 1.0 * Math::PI / @startup_frames
    r = @radius - 1.0 * @radius * @steps / @startup_frames
    for i in 0...@item_max
      j = i - @index + 1
      d = d1 * j + d2 * @steps
      x = @cx + ( r * Math.sin( d ) ).to_i
      y = @cy - ( r * Math.cos( d ) ).to_i
      draw_item(x, y, i)
    @steps -= 1
    if @steps < 1
      @mode = 2
  # * Refresh Wait
  def refresh_wait
    d = 2.0 * Math::PI / @item_max
    for i in 0...@item_max
      j = i - @index + 1
      x = @cx + ( @radius * Math.sin( d * j ) ).to_i
      y = @cy - ( @radius * Math.cos( d * j ) ).to_i
      draw_item(x, y, i)
  # * Refresh Move
  def refresh_move( mode )
    d1 = 2.0 * Math::PI / @item_max
    d2 = d1 / @moving_frames
    d2 *= -1 if mode != 0
    for i in 0...@item_max
      j = i - @index + 1
      d = d1 * j + d2 * @steps
      x = @cx + ( @radius * Math.sin( d ) ).to_i
      y = @cy - ( @radius * Math.cos( d ) ).to_i
      draw_item(x, y, i)
    @steps -= 1
    if @steps < 1
      @mode = 2
  # * Draw Item
  def draw_item(x, y, i)
    rect =, 0, @items[i].width, @items[i].height)
    if @index == i
      self.contents.blt( x, y, @items[i], rect )
      if @disabled[@index]
        self.contents.blt( x, y, @icon_disable, rect )
      self.contents.blt( x, y, @items[i], rect, 128 )
      if @disabled[@index]
        self.contents.blt( x, y, @icon_disable, rect, 128 )
  # * Disable Item
  def disable_item(index)
    @disabled[index] = true
  # * Setup Move Move
  def setup_move_move(mode)
    if mode == 3
      @index -= 1
      @index = @items.size - 1 if @index < 0
    elsif mode == 4
      @index += 1
      @index = 0 if @index >= @items.size
    @mode = mode
    @steps = @moving_frames
  # * Animation
  def animation?
    return @mode != 2

Now, just call it like this:
blah =, icons, radius, center_x, center_y, width, height)

Example calling:
# Window Commands
    commands = [ "Item", "Skill", "Equip", "Status", "Save", "Quit" ]
    # Window Icons
    icons = [ RPG::Cache.icon("034-Item03"), RPG::Cache.icon("044-Skill01"),
                  RPG::Cache.icon("001-Weapon01"), RPG::Cache.icon("050-Skill07"),
                  RPG::Cache.icon("038-Item07"), RPG::Cache.icon("046-Skill03")]
    @command_window =, icons,128)

Credits to the Orginal Ring Menu Creator for getting me started.

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