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Export to a New Game Plus
Export to a New Game Plus
by EmilyAnnCoons
Jan 14 2007

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
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This is an edit of my Export-Import system to make it work with Scene New Game Plus. However, New Game Plus cannot be removed from it, so please don't try to remove it...if you want the export import system, just go here.

If anyone is familiar with Deke's New Game Plus script, then you all know what this is. For those that don't, New Game Plus is a script that allows the player to save their game at the end (you have to open the save window) and then replay the game over again, using the "New Game Plus" feature. This allows you to add things into the game when the player plays a second time (such as bonus artwork, otherwise in-accessible areas, etc.)

This is an edit of the New Game Plus script to make it work better (it really does). Originally, New Game Plus searched for a specific switch to be on, this caused a glitch that the player can take a "New Game Plus" save and continue to replay it, thus allowing the player to do things like get a bunch of bonus stuff at the beginning, then sell it off for massive money, etc. This script removes that glitch. This uses my export system to make New Game Plus search for a .export file instead of a .rxdata (or .sav for those with unedited scripts) thus keeping the player from being able to glitch the game. It ALSO allows the player to then take their characters out of the game and put them in the sequel to your game (for that, you'd then need to get the export import system, as I don't have an Import New Game Plus yet...sorry...)

With that said, just copy the following scripts and put them above Main, but below Scene_Debug.
# ** Window_ExportFile
#  This window displays save files on the save and load screens.

class Window_ExportFile < Window_Base
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :exportname               # file name
  attr_reader   :selected                 # selected
  # * Object Initialization
  #     file_index : save file index (0-3)
  #     filename   : file name
  def initialize(file_index, exportname)
    super(0, 64 + file_index % 4 * 104, 640, 104)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @file_index = file_index
    @exportname = "E#{@file_index + 1}.export"
    @file_exist = FileTest.exist?(@exportname)
    if @file_exist
      export =, "r")
      @characters = Marshal.load(export)
      @frame_count = Marshal.load(export)
      @game_system = Marshal.load(export)
      @game_switches = Marshal.load(export)
      @game_variables = Marshal.load(export)
    @selected = false
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    # Draw file number
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    name = "Export #{@file_index + 1}"
    self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 600, 32, name)
    @name_width = contents.text_size(name).width
    # If save file exists
    if @file_exist
      # Draw character
      for i in 0...@characters.size
        bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@characters[i][0], @characters[i][1])
        cw = bitmap.rect.width / 4
        ch = bitmap.rect.height / 4
        src_rect =, 0, cw, ch)
        x = 300 - @characters.size * 32 + i * 64 - cw / 2
        self.contents.blt(x, 68 - ch, bitmap, src_rect)
  # * Set Selected
  #     selected : new selected (true = selected, false = unselected)
  def selected=(selected)
    @selected = selected
  # * Cursor Rectangle Update
  def update_cursor_rect
    if @selected
      self.cursor_rect.set(0, 0, @name_width + 8, 32)

# ** Scene_ExportFile
#  This is a superclass for the save screen and load screen.

class Scene_ExportFile
  # * Object Initialization
  #     help_text : text string shown in the help window
  def initialize(help_text)
    @help_text = help_text
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    # Make help window
    @help_window =
    # Make save file window
    @exportfile_windows = []
    for i in 0..3
      @exportfile_windows.push(, make_exportname(i)))
    # Select last file to be operated
    @file_index = $game_temp.last_file_index
    @exportfile_windows[@file_index].selected = true
    # Execute transition
    # Main loop
    loop do
      # Update game screen
      # Update input information
      # Frame update
      # Abort loop if screen is changed
      if $scene != self
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose of windows
    for i in @exportfile_windows
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Update windows
    for i in @exportfile_windows
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Call method: on_decision (defined by the subclasses)
      $game_temp.last_file_index = @file_index
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input:: B)       # Call method: on_cancel (defined by the subclasses)
    # If the down directional button was pressed
    if Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN)
      # If the down directional button pressed down is not a repeat,
      # or cursor position is more in front than 3
      if Input.trigger?(Input::DOWN) or @file_index < 3
        # Play cursor SE
        # Move cursor down
        @exportfile_windows[@file_index].selected = false
        @file_index = (@file_index + 1) % 4
        @exportfile_windows[@file_index].selected = true
    # If the up directional button was pressed
    if Input.repeat?(Input::UP)
      # If the up directional button pressed down is not a repeat、
      # or cursor position is more in back than 0
      if Input.trigger?(Input::UP) or @file_index > 0
        # Play cursor SE
        # Move cursor up
        @exportfile_windows[@file_index].selected = false
        @file_index = (@file_index + 3) % 4
        @exportfile_windows[@file_index].selected = true
  # * Make File Name
  #     file_index : save file index (0-3)
  def make_exportname(file_index)
    return "E#{file_index + 1}.export"

# ** Scene_Export
#  This class performs save screen processing.

class Scene_Export < Scene_ExportFile
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    super("Which file would you like to export to?")
  # * Decision Processing
  def on_decision(exportname)
    # Play save SE
    # Write save data
    export =, "wb")
    # If called from event
    if $game_temp.save_calling
      # Clear save call flag
      $game_temp.save_calling = false
      # Switch to map screen
      $scene =
    # Switch to map screen
      $scene =
  # * Cancel Processing
  def on_cancel
    # Play cancel SE
    # If called from event
    if $game_temp.save_calling
      # Clear save call flag
      $game_temp.save_calling = false
      # Switch to map screen
      $scene =
    # Switch to map screen
      $scene =
  # * Write Save Data
  #     file : write file object (opened)
  def write_save_data(export)
    # Make character data for drawing save file
    characters = []
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      characters.push([actor.character_name, actor.character_hue])
    # Write character data for drawing save file
    Marshal.dump(characters, export)
    # Save magic number
    # (A random value will be written each time saving with editor)
    $game_system.magic_number = $data_system.magic_number
    # Write each type of game object
    Marshal.dump($game_system, export)
    Marshal.dump($game_switches, export)
    Marshal.dump($game_variables, export)
    Marshal.dump($game_self_switches, export)
    Marshal.dump($game_screen, export)
    Marshal.dump($game_actors, export)
    Marshal.dump($game_party, export)
    Marshal.dump($game_troop, export)
    Marshal.dump($game_map, export)
    Marshal.dump($game_player, export)

# ** Scene_Import
#  This class performs load screen processing.

class Scene_Import < Scene_ExportFile
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    # Remake temporary object
    $game_temp =
    # Timestamp selects new file
    $game_temp.last_file_index = 0
    for i in 0..3
      exportname = make_exportname(i)
      if FileTest.exist?(exportname)
        export =, "r")
    super("Which file would you like to import?")
  # * Decision Processing
  def on_decision(exportname)
    # If file doesn't exist
    unless FileTest.exist?(exportname)
      # Play buzzer SE
    # Play load SE
    # Read save data
    export =, "rb")
  # * Cancel Processing
  def on_cancel
    # Play cancel SE
    # Switch to title screen
    $scene =
  # * Read Save Data
  #     file : file object for reading (opened)
  def read_save_data(export)
    # Read character data for drawing save file
    characters = Marshal.load(export)
    # Read each type of game object  
    $game_system        = Marshal.load(export)
    $game_switches      = Marshal.load(export)
    $game_variables     = Marshal.load(export)
    $game_self_switches = Marshal.load(export)
    $game_screen        = Marshal.load(export)
    $game_actors        = Marshal.load(export)
    $game_party         = Marshal.load(export)
    $game_troop         = Marshal.load(export)
    $game_map           = Marshal.load(export)
    $game_player        = Marshal.load(export)
    # If magic number is different from when saving
    # (if editing was added with editor)
    # If magic number is different from when saving
    # (if editing was added with editor)
    if $game_system.magic_number != $data_system.magic_number
      # Load map
      $$game_player.x, $game_player.y)
    # Refresh party members

# ¦ Scene_New_Game_Plus (coded by Deke)
#     This purpose of this class is to allow the player to restart the game using saved characters if
#      they have completed the game with that party.
# A new feature (small one) was added by myself (Dubealex) to enable a
# count of the number of times you finished the game.
# Copy the lines between my comments and paste them in your original script,
# or simply use that full one.

class Scene_New_Game_Plus < Scene_Import
def initialize
  #You need to add the following line:
  #ENd of the line to copy.
  $game_temp =
  $game_temp.last_file_index = 0
  latest_time =
  for i in 0..3
    exportname = make_exportname(i)
    if FileTest.exist?(exportname)
      export =, "r")
  @help_text="Which adventure would you like to begin again?"

#This method checks to see if the selected game file has completed the game.
#  (A completed game is indicated by turning switch 1 ON.)

def game_completed(exportname)
  export =, "rb")

#This method is identical to the one of the same name in the Scene_Load class, with the
#the added effect of reseting the maps, switches,...

def on_decision(exportname)
  unless FileTest.exist?(exportname)
  export =, "rb")
if ! game_completed(exportname)

#New code to copy for the "Game Completion Count" feature.
#Begin copying here, and stop at my other comments.
#You also need to copy line #15, shown by a comment also.
$game_variables     =  
$game_temp          =
#$game_system        =
$game_switches      =
$game_self_switches =
$game_screen        =
#$game_actors        =
#$game_party         =
$game_troop         =
$game_map           =
#$game_player        =
$game_player.moveto($data_system.start_x, $data_system.start_y)
$scene =
$game_switches[38]=true #Since the switches were all reset, this one need to
                                     #be turned back on to indicate the game was completed.
#Stop copying new "Game Completion Count" here.



After all of those are copied, replace Scene_Title with this following:
# ** Scene_Title
#  This class performs title screen processing.

class Scene_Title
  # * Main Processing
def main
    # If battle test
    if $BTEST
    # Load database
    $data_actors        = load_data("Data/Actors.rxdata")
    $data_classes       = load_data("Data/Classes.rxdata")
    $data_skills        = load_data("Data/Skills.rxdata")
    $data_items         = load_data("Data/Items.rxdata")
    $data_weapons       = load_data("Data/Weapons.rxdata")
    $data_armors        = load_data("Data/Armors.rxdata")
    $data_enemies       = load_data("Data/Enemies.rxdata")
    $data_troops        = load_data("Data/Troops.rxdata")
    $data_states        = load_data("Data/States.rxdata")
    $data_animations    = load_data("Data/Animations.rxdata")
    $data_tilesets      = load_data("Data/Tilesets.rxdata")
    $data_common_events = load_data("Data/CommonEvents.rxdata")
    $data_system        = load_data("Data/System.rxdata")
    # Make system object
    $game_system =
    # Make title graphic
    @sprite =
    @sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title($data_system.title_name)
    # Make command window
    s1 = "New Game"
    s2 = "Import"
    s3 = "Continue"
    s4 = "Exit"
    @command_window =, [s1, s2, s3, s4])
    @command_window.back_opacity = 160
    @command_window.x = 320 - @command_window.width / 2
    @command_window.y = 288
    # Continue enabled determinant
    # Check if at least one save file exists
    # If enabled, make @continue_enabled true; if disabled, make it false
    @continue_enabled = false
    @import_enabled = false
    for i in 0..3
      if FileTest.exist?("Save#{i+1}.rxdata")
        @continue_enabled = true
      if FileTest.exist?("E#{i+1}.export")
        @import_enabled = true
    # If continue is enabled, move cursor to "Continue"
    # If disabled, display "Continue" text in gray
    if @continue_enabled
      @command_window.index = 2
    # Addition start
    if @import_enabled
      @command_window.index = 1
    # Addition end
    # Play title BGM
    # Stop playing ME and BGS
    # Execute transition
    # Main loop
    loop do
      # Update game screen
      # Update input information
      # Frame update
      # Abort loop if screen is changed
      if $scene != self
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose of command window
    # Dispose of title graphic
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Update command window
    # If C button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # Branch by command window cursor position
      case @command_window.index
      when 0  # New game
      # Addition Start
      when 1  # Import
      # Addition End
      when 2  # Continue
      when 3  # Shutdown
  # * Command: New Game
  def command_new_game
    # Play decision SE
    # Stop BGM
    # Reset frame count for measuring play time
    Graphics.frame_count = 0
    # Make each type of game object
    $game_temp          =
    $game_system        =
    $game_switches      =
    $game_variables     =
    $game_self_switches =
    $game_screen        =
    $game_actors        =
    $game_party         =
    $game_troop         =
    $game_map           =
    $game_player        =
    # Set up initial party
    # Set up initial map position
    # Move player to initial position
    $game_player.moveto($data_system.start_x, $data_system.start_y)
    # Refresh player
    # Run automatic change for BGM and BGS set with map
    # Update map (run parallel process event)
    # Switch to map screen
    $scene =
  # Addition Start
  # * Command: Import
  def command_import
    # If Import is disabled
    unless @import_enabled
      # Play buzzer SE
    # Play decision SE
    # Switch to load screen
    $scene =
  # Addition End
  # * Command: Continue
  def command_continue
    # If continue is disabled
    unless @continue_enabled
      # Play buzzer SE
    # Play decision SE
    # Switch to load screen
    $scene =
  # * Command: Shutdown
  def command_shutdown
    # Play decision SE
    # Fade out BGM, BGS, and ME
    # Shutdown
    $scene = nil
  # * Battle Test
  def battle_test
    # Load database (for battle test)
    $data_actors        = load_data("Data/BT_Actors.rxdata")
    $data_classes       = load_data("Data/BT_Classes.rxdata")
    $data_skills        = load_data("Data/BT_Skills.rxdata")
    $data_items         = load_data("Data/BT_Items.rxdata")
    $data_weapons       = load_data("Data/BT_Weapons.rxdata")
    $data_armors        = load_data("Data/BT_Armors.rxdata")
    $data_enemies       = load_data("Data/BT_Enemies.rxdata")
    $data_troops        = load_data("Data/BT_Troops.rxdata")
    $data_states        = load_data("Data/BT_States.rxdata")
    $data_animations    = load_data("Data/BT_Animations.rxdata")
    $data_tilesets      = load_data("Data/BT_Tilesets.rxdata")
    $data_common_events = load_data("Data/BT_CommonEvents.rxdata")
    $data_system        = load_data("Data/BT_System.rxdata")
    # Reset frame count for measuring play time
    Graphics.frame_count = 0
    # Make each game object
    $game_temp          =
    $game_system        =
    $game_switches      =
    $game_variables     =
    $game_self_switches =
    $game_screen        =
    $game_actors        =
    $game_party         =
    $game_troop         =
    $game_map           =
    $game_player        =
    # Set up party for battle test
    # Set troop ID, can escape flag, and battleback
    $game_temp.battle_troop_id = $data_system.test_troop_id
    $game_temp.battle_can_escape = true
    $game_map.battleback_name = $data_system.battleback_name
    # Play battle start SE
    # Play battle BGM
    # Switch to battle screen
    $scene =

With that all said and done, simply use $scene = as the last event command in your game. This will allow the player to export their characters out, and will then send them straight to Scene_Title. I'll upload a demo sometime I hope...busy mapping right now, though...

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