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Show Question - Sheol - 07-23-2006

Show Question
by Sheol
Version: 1.0
Jul 23 2006

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given. If you are the owner of the thread, please contact administration.

Last Update

July 23, 2006.


This script allow you make questions to the player. This script works similar to the Game Maker's function: show_question(string)

  • You just need to specify the question, but you can specify x, y, width and height of the window.
  • The newlines are made automatic.


# ** Show Question
# Slipknot
# 0.1
# 07.22.06

class Window_Question < Window_Selectable
  # * Constants
  Word_Yes = 'Yes'
  Word_No = 'No'
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize(x, y, width, height, text)
    super(x, y, width, height)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @text, @commands = text, [Word_Yes, Word_No]
    @index, @cursor_width = 0, 40
    @commands.each do |word|
      w = contents.text_size(word).width + 8
      @cursor_width = [@cursor_width, w].max
    @item_max = @column_max = 2
    x, y, @cx = 4, 0, ((width - 40) - @cursor_width * 2 - 32) / 2
    @text.scan(/[\w'"¿?¡!]+/).each do |word|
      w = contents.text_size(word + ' ').width
      if x + w > width - 40
        x = 4
        y += 32
      contents.draw_text(x, y, w, 32, word)
      x += w
    @cy = y + 32
    x = 0
    @commands.each do |word|
      contents.draw_text(@cx + x, @cy, @cursor_width, 32, word, 1)
      x += @cursor_width + 32
  # * Update Cursor Rectangle
  def update_cursor_rect
    x = @cx + @index * @cursor_width + (@index == 0 ? 0 : 32)
    cursor_rect.set(x, @cy, @cursor_width, 32)

class Interpreter
  # * Show Question
  # string : the question
  # hash : the hash keys: 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height'
  def show_question(string, hash = {})
    x = hash['x'] ? hash['x'] : 160
    y = hash['y'] ? hash['y'] : 320
    width = hash['width'] ? hash['width'] : 320
    height = hash['height'] ? hash['height'] : 96
    window, result =, y, width, height, string), nil
    until result != nil
      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
        result = window.index == 0
      elsif Input.trigger?(Input::B)
        result = false
    return result


You need paste the code before Main.
To store the result in the variable 1 do this in the call script command:

$game_variables[1] = show_question('some text')

To draw it on top of the screen:

show_question('some text', 'y' => 32)


This script must work with anything.

Author's Notes

Enjoy it!