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Lite Containers - Jimmie - 11-03-2006

"Lite" Containers
by Jimmie
Nov 3, 2006

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
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  # ** Lite Containers
  # Jimme Reashu / Jimmie
  # Version 1
  # Last updated: November 4th -06
  # Turn these lines and the very last "end" into comments by adding "#"'s if you don't use the SDK
  SDK.log('Lite Containers', 'Jimme Reashu', 1, 'Nov. 4 -06')
  # Begin SDK Enabled Check
  if SDK.state('Lite Containers') == true
  # Addon to Game_Party BEGINS
  # This lets us check for number of items without specifying type.
# This is the maximum number of items the party can carry. Set to 0 for no limit.
class Game_Party
  def number(item)
    case item
    when RPG::Item
      return item_number(
    when RPG::Weapon
      return weapon_number(
    when RPG::Armor
      return armor_number(
  def total_items
    @number = 0
    for i in 1..$data_items.size
      @number += item_number(i)
    for i in 1...$data_weapons.size
      @number += weapon_number(i)
    for i in 1...$data_armors.size
      @number += armor_number(i)
  def gain_item(item_id, n)
    if item_id > 0
      @items[item_id] = [[item_number(item_id) + n, 0].max, 99].min
      if total_items > MAX_ITEMS && MAX_ITEMS != 0
        difference = @total_items - MAX_ITEMS
        lose_item(item_id, difference)
  def gain_weapon(weapon_id, n)
    if weapon_id > 0
      @weapons[weapon_id] = [[weapon_number(weapon_id) + n, 0].max, 99].min
      if total_items > MAX_ITEMS && MAX_ITEMS != 0
        difference = @total_items - MAX_ITEMS
        lose_weapon(weapon_id, difference)
  def gain_armor(armor_id, n)
    if armor_id > 0
      @armors[armor_id] = [[armor_number(armor_id) + n, 0].max, 99].min
      if total_items > MAX_ITEMS && MAX_ITEMS != 0
        difference = @total_items - MAX_ITEMS
        lose_armor(armor_id, difference)
  # Addon to Game_Party ENDS

  # Container System Menu BEGINS
  # This is the menu that appears first of all, with Open/Close option
class Scene_ContainerMenu
  def main
    # This defines the map spriteset, so that events and the map will still be visible.
    @spriteset =
    # These commands are the ones you see when you activate a container.
    @commands = ['Open', 'Exit']
    # The command window is what you control. This is what shows the commands.
    @command_window =, @commands)
    @command_window.y = ($game_player.screen_y - @command_window.height/2)
    @command_window.x = ($game_player.screen_x - 80)
    @command_window.index = 0
    @command_window.opacity = 160
    # The help window describes the commands in the command window.
    @help_window =
    @help_window.opacity = 160
    # This fades out the map and then fades in the map together with the command window.
    # (The map fading is not visible, but it's there)
    # This is the loop that updates graphics, keyboard input, the map and the command window.
    loop do
      # If the scene changes, the loop stops.
      if $scene != self
    # When the scene changes, the graphics freeze until the next scene is ready to take over.
    # All windows and the map sprites are "disposed", their memory slots are freed.
  # This is the method that updates all windows and the map.
  def update
    # These are the commands to update everything included in this scene.
    # This calls the next method: update_command, which further controls what happens with the
    # when RMXP registers keyboard input.
  # This is the method that controls the scene based on input from the player.
  def update_command
    # If the player presses game-key B (Esc. or X by default), the following code is run:
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play the "cancel" sound set in the database
      # Return to the map
      $scene =
      # Abort this method and return to the "update" method, which has reched its end,
      # meaning that it returns to the "Main" loop and the jumps to Scene_Map.
    end     # Ends the "if"
    # If the player presses game-key C (Enter, Num-0, or C by default)
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
    # The "case" is basically the same things as a bunch of simple "if"'s.
    # See the following comments for what they do...
    case @commands[@command_window.index]
    # "If" @commands[@command_window.index] is 'Open'...
    when 'Open'
      # Go to Scene_ContainerItems and...
      $scene =
      # Play the "decision" or "confirm" sound in the database
    # But "if" it's 'Exit' instead...
    when 'Exit'
      # Go back to Scene_Map and...
      $scene =
      # Play the cancel sound.
    end   # "Cases" are ended in the same way as "ifs"
  end     # Ends the "if"
    # This is what's shown in the help window, the mechanics are the same as above
    case @commands[@command_window.index]
    when 'Open'
      # Calls a method within the Window_Help class to change the text of the help window.
      @help_window.set_text('Open the container to manage items.',1)
    when 'Exit'
      # Calls a method within the Window_Help class to change the text of the help window.
      @help_window.set_text('Close this menu and return to the map.',1)
    end       # Ends the "case"
    return    # Returns to the "update" method.
  end         # Ends the method.
end           # Ends the class

  # Container System Menu ENDS
  # Container Items Menu BEGINS
  # This is the scene that controls the system as soon as Open
  # is chosen in the main menu.
class Scene_ContainerItems
  def main
    @action = 0   # This variable is used to keep track of what the player is doing.
                        # 0 = Container window active
                        # 1 = Item window active
                        # 2 = Action window active (Cont.)
                        # 3 = Action window active (Inv)
                        # 4 = Using from cont.
                        # 5 = Taking from cont.
                        # 6 = Tossing from cont.
                        # 7 = Using from inv.
                        # 8 = Giving from inv.
                        # 9 = Tossing from inv.
    # The help window is the same as before, it's used to describe the selection further.
    @help_window =
    @help_window.opacity = 160
    # The window "@item_window" shows what items are in the container.
    @item_window =
    # This sets what window will show details about the selection.
    # In this case, it's the just-defined window "@help_window"
    @item_window.help_window = @help_window
    # The opacity is 0 because we'll be fooling around with headers and stuff,
    # so we use dummy windows to show a border around everything instead of separate windows.
    @item_window.opacity = 0
    # The window "@small_window" got its name from the longer "Small Item Window".
    # It's based on the window "Window_Item" in the main menu, but it's been made smaller.
    @small_window =
    @small_window.help_window = @help_window
    # "Active" is a variable often used when determining whether the window's cursor should follow
    # the input and things like that. Without it, you'd be selecting things in all windows at once... = false
    # The opacity is 0 for the same reason as above.
    @small_window.opacity = 0
    # This calls a method in the class "Window_ItemSmall". It removes the cursor without changing
    # the selection.
    # This is the first dummy window I mentioned. It forms the background of "@item_window".
    @dummy1 =,256,320,224)
    # The contents are what you actually draw stuff on. It has to be 32x32 smaller, or else the
    # "arrows" in the windowskin that indicate more content will be shown.
    @dummy1.contents =,192)
    # A little transparency never hurts, especially since the map is updating in the background.
    @dummy1.opacity = 160
    # This window is basically the same as "@dummy1", only a bit to the right.
    @dummy2 =,256,320,224)
    @dummy2.contents =,192)
    @dummy2.opacity = 160
    # The target window is what you use when you select a target for items used in this scene.
    @target_window =
    # The target window should be invisible until we select an item to use...
    @target_window.visible = false
    # And should not follow input until then either. = false
    @target_window.opacity = 160
    # However, setting the position early never hurts.
    @target_window.y = 64
    # This is the same spriteset as in the previous Scene, it shows what's on the map.
    @spriteset =
    # These lines of code are needed so that people who still haven't bought the legal RMXP can
    # use the script. Remove the comments if you're one of them.
    # You'll also need to search the script for other instances (because there ARE more).
    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- = $defaultfonttype
     #@dummy1.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize = $defaultfonttype
     #@dummy2.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
    # This calculates the width of the text, so that the lines can be drawn accordingly.
    w1 = @dummy1.contents.text_size('Container Items').width + 8
    w2 = @dummy2.contents.text_size('Party Items').width + 8
    # Draws the line, and then writes the text for dummy #1
    @dummy1.contents.draw_text(4,0,288,32,'Container Items')
    # Same thing for # 2
    @dummy2.contents.draw_text(4,0,288,32,'Party Items')
    # This loop is the same as the one in the previous scenes. Almost all scenes use this.
    # The only difference is what is disposed at the end.
    loop do
      if $scene != self
  def update
    case @action
    when 0
    when 1
    when 2
    when 3
    when 4
    when 5
    when 6
    when 7
    when 8
    when 9
    if @number_window != nil
    if @toss_window != nil
  def update_dummy(height)
    @height = height
    return if @dummy3.disposed?
     unless @dummy3.height == @height
          @dummy3.height = height
          @dummy3.contents =,@height-32)
 = $defaultfonttype
      #@dummy3.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
      w3 = (128 - @dummy3.contents.text_size( - 32)/2
  def update_small
    if Input.dir4 == 4
      @action = 0 = true = false
        if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene =
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      @action = 3
      @item = @small_window.item
      @h = ((@item.is_a?(RPG::Item) and (@item.occasion == 0 or @item.occasion == 2)) ? 160 : 128)
      @action_window = = false = true
      @action_window.x = 240
      @action_window.y = 116
      @action_window.z = 110
      @action_window.opacity = 0
      @dummy3 =,80,160,@h)
      @dummy3.contents =,@h-32) = $defaultfonttype
      #@dummy3.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
      @dummy3.opacity = 160
      @dummy3.z = 109
      w3 = (128 - @dummy3.contents.text_size( - 32)/2
  def update_toss
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      case @action
      when 6
        @action = 2
      when 9
        @action = 3
      @number_window = nil = true
      @action_window.visible = true
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @number_window.index
      when 0 #Toss 1
        numb = $container.toss(@item,1)
        if numb == 1
          @number_window = nil
          case @action
          when 6
            @action = 0
   = true
          when 9
            @action = 1
   = true
      when 1 #Toss All
        @number_window = nil
        case @action
          when 6
            @action = 0
   = true
          when 9
            @action = 1
   = true
      when 2 #Back
        @number_window = nil
        case @action
          when 6
            @action = 2
          when 9
            @action = 3
          end = true
        @action_window.visible = true
  def update_trade
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      case @action
          when 5
            @action = 2
          when 8
            @action = 3
      @number_window = nil = true
      @action_window.visible = true
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @number_window.index
      when 0 # 1
        case @action
          when 5
            numb = $container.to_party(@item,1)
          when 8
            numb = $container.from_party(@item,1)
        if numb == false
        if numb == 1
          @number_window = nil
          case @action
          when 5
            @action = 0
   = true
          when 8
            @action = 1
   = true
      when 1 #Take All
        case @action
          when 5
            numb = $container.to_party(@item,99)
            if numb == false
          when 8
        @number_window = nil
        case @action
          when 5
            @action = 0
   = true
          when 8
            @action = 1
   = true
      when 2 #Back
        @number_window = nil = true
        @action_window.visible = true
        case @action
          when 5
            @action = 2
          when 8
            @action = 3
    def update_action
      update_dummy(@h) unless @h == nil
      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
        case @action
          when 2
            @action = 0
   = true
          when 3
            @action = 1
   = true
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      ind = @action_window.index
      ind += 1 unless (@item.is_a?(RPG::Item) && (@item.occasion == 0 or @item.occasion == 2))
      case ind
      when 0 #USE item
        if @item.scope >= 3
          case @action
          when 2
            @action = 4
          when 3
            @action = 7
          @action_window.visible = false
          @dummy3.y = 192
 = false
          @target_window.visible = true
 = true
          if @item.scope == 4 || @item.scope == 6
            @target_window.index = -1
            @target_window.index = 0
          if @item.common_event_id > 0
            $game_temp.common_event_id = @item.common_event_id
            if @item.consumable
              $game_party.lose_item(, 1)
            $scene =
        when 1 #TAKE/GIVE item
 = false
          @action_window.visible = false
          case @action
          when 2
            @action = 5
          @number_window =
          when 3
            @action = 8
            @number_window =
          @number_window.z = 111
          @number_window.x = 240
          @number_window.y  = 116
          @number_window.opacity = 0
 = true
        when 2 #TOSS item
 = false
          @action_window.visible = false
          case @action
          when 2
            @action = 6
          when 3
            @action = 9
          @number_window =
          @number_window.z = 111
          @number_window.x = 240
          @number_window.y  = 116
          @number_window.opacity = 0
 = true

  def update_item
    if Input.dir4 == 6
      @action = 1 = false = true
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      $scene =
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      @action = 2
      @item = @item_window.item
      @h = ((@item.is_a?(RPG::Item) and (@item.occasion == 0 or @item.occasion == 2)) ? 160 : 128)
      @action_window = = false = true
      @action_window.x = 240
      @action_window.y = 116
      @action_window.z = 110
      @action_window.opacity = 0
      @dummy3 =,80,160,@h)
      @dummy3.contents =,@h-32) = $defaultfonttype
      #@dummy3.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
      @dummy3.opacity = 160
      @dummy3.z = 109
      w3 = (128 - @dummy3.contents.text_size( - 32)/2
  def update_target
    if $container.number(@item) == 0
      @dummy3.visible = false
      case @action
      when 4
        @action = 0 = true
      when 7
        @action = 1 = true
      @target_window.visible = false = false
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      unless $container.useable(
      case @action
      when 4
        @action = 2
      when 7
        @action = 3
      end = true
      @action_window.visible = true
      @target_window.visible = false = false
      @dummy3.y = 80
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      unless $container.useable(@item)
      if @target_window.index == -1
        used = false
        for i in $game_party.actors
          used |= i.item_effect(@item)
      if @target_window.index >= 0
        target = $game_party.actors[@target_window.index]
        used = target.item_effect(@item)
      if used
        if @item.consumable
          $container.remove(@item, 1)
        if $game_party.all_dead?
          $scene =
        if @item.common_event_id > 0
          $game_temp.common_event_id = @item.common_event_id
          $scene =
      unless used
  # Container Item Menu ENDS

  # Container Item Window BEGINS
  # This window shows what's in the container.

class Window_ContainerItem < Window_Selectable
  def initialize
    super(0, 288, 320, 192)
    @column_max = 1
    self.index = 0
  def item
    return @data[self.index]
  def refresh
    if self.contents != nil
      self.contents = nil
    @data = []
    @numbers = []
    if $container.items != nil
  if $container.weapons != nil
    if $container.armors != nil
    @item_max = @data.size
    if @item_max > 0
      self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32) = $defaultfonttype
      #self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
      for i in 0...@item_max
  def draw_item(index)
    item = @data[index]
    number = @numbers[index]
    if item.is_a?(RPG::Item) and (item.occasion == 0 or item.occasion == 2)
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.font.color = disabled_color
    x = 4
    y = index * 32
    rect =, y, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
    opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128
    self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 212, 32,, 0)
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 240, y, 16, 32, ':', 1)
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 256, y, 24, 32, number.to_s, 2)
  def update_help
    @help_window.set_text(self.item == nil ? '' : self.item.description)
    def update_cursor_rect
    if @index < 0
    row = @index / @column_max
    if row < self.top_row
      self.top_row = row
    if row > self.top_row + (self.page_row_max - 1)
      self.top_row = row - (self.page_row_max - 1)
    cursor_width = self.width / @column_max - 32
    x = @index % @column_max * (cursor_width + 32)
    y = @index / @column_max * 32 - self.oy
    self.cursor_rect.set(x, y, cursor_width, 32)
  def clear_cursor
  # Container Item Window ENDS

  # Party Item Window BEGINS
class Window_ItemSmall < Window_Selectable
  def initialize
    super(320, 288, 320, 192)
    @column_max = 1
    self.index = 0
  def item
    return @data[self.index]
  def refresh
    if self.contents != nil
      self.contents = nil
    @data = []
    for i in 1...$data_items.size
      if $game_party.item_number(i) > 0
    unless $game_temp.in_battle
      for i in 1...$data_weapons.size
        if $game_party.weapon_number(i) > 0
      for i in 1...$data_armors.size
        if $game_party.armor_number(i) > 0
    @item_max = @data.size
    if @item_max > 0
      self.contents = - 32, row_max * 32) = $defaultfonttype
      #self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
      for i in 0...@item_max
  def draw_item(index)
    item = @data[index]
    case item
    when RPG::Item
      number = $game_party.item_number(
    when RPG::Weapon
      number = $game_party.weapon_number(
    when RPG::Armor
      number = $game_party.armor_number(
    if item.is_a?(RPG::Item) and
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.font.color = disabled_color
    y = index * 32
    rect =, y, self.width / @column_max - 32, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
    opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128
    self.contents.blt(4, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
    self.contents.draw_text(4 + 28, y, 212, 32,, 0)
    self.contents.draw_text(4 + 240, y, 16, 32, ':', 1)
    self.contents.draw_text(4 + 256, y, 24, 32, number.to_s, 2)
  def update_help
    @help_window.set_text(self.item == nil ? '' : self.item.description)
  def clear_cursor

  # Party Item Window ENDS
  # Item Target Window BEGINS
class Window_ContainerTarget < Window_Base
  attr_accessor :index
  def initialize
    super(0, 256, 640, 128)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32) = $defaultfonttype
    #self.contents.font.size = $defaultfontsize
    @index = -1
  def refresh
    off = ((608/$game_party.actors.size) - 120)/2
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      x = (608/$game_party.actors.size) * i
      y = 0
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      draw_actor_graphic(actor, x + off +20, y + 85)
      draw_actor_name(actor, x+off+10, y)
      draw_actor_hp(actor, x+off+40, y + 21,80)
      draw_actor_sp(actor, x+off+40, y + 41,80)
    dist = 608/$game_party.actors.size
    for i in 1...$game_party.actors.size
      self.contents.fill_rect( * dist,0,2,96),,255,255))
  def update_cursor_rect
    x = ((608/$game_party.actors.size) * @index).round
    off = (((608/$game_party.actors.size) - 140)/2).round
    if @index < 0
      self.cursor_rect.set(x+off, 0, 140, 96)
  def update
      if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
          @index += 1
          @index %= $game_party.actors.size
      if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
          @index -= 1
          @index += $game_party.actors.size
          @index %= $game_party.actors.size
    if and @help_window != nil
  # Item Target Window ENDS
  # Small Windows BEGIN

class Window_CControl < Window_Command
  def initialize(item)
    if item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
  def draw_item(index, color)
    self.contents.font.color = color
    rect =, 32 * index, self.contents.width, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index],1)

class Window_PControl < Window_Command
  def initialize(item)
    if item.is_a?(RPG::Item)
  def draw_item(index, color)
    self.contents.font.color = color
    rect =, 32 * index, self.contents.width, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index],1)

class Window_Take < Window_Command
  def initialize(item)
      super(160,['Take 1','Take All','Go Back'])
  def draw_item(index, color)
    self.contents.font.color = color
    rect =, 32 * index, self.contents.width, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index],1)

class Window_Give < Window_Command
  def initialize(item)
      super(160,['Deposit 1','Deposit All','Go Back'])
  def draw_item(index, color)
    self.contents.font.color = color
    rect =, 32 * index, self.contents.width, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index],1)

class Window_Toss < Window_Command
  def initialize(item)
      super(160,['Discard 1','Discard All','Go Back'])
  def draw_item(index, color)
    self.contents.font.color = color
    rect =, 32 * index, self.contents.width, 32)
    self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
    self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index],1)
  # Small Windows END
  # Window_Base Addon BEGINS

class Window_Base < Window
  def easy_bar(x,y,width,height,scolor,ecolor,c,m)
    if height >= 8
      #Draw fancy background
    elsif height >= 4
      #Draw simple background
      #Draw shadow
    if scolor == ecolor
      if height >= 8
        fill = c*(width-4)/m
        self.contents.fill_rect(, y+2, fill, height-4), scolor)
      elsif height >= 4
        fill = c*(width-2)/m
        self.contents.fill_rect(, y+1, fill, height-2), scolor)
        fill = c*width/m
      if height >= 8
        fill = c*(width-4)/m
        difr = -
        difg = -
        difb = -
        for i in 0...fill
          r = - (difr/fill)*i
          g = - (difg/fill)*i
          b = - (difb/fill)*i
      elsif height >= 4
        fill = c*(width-2)/m
        difr = -
        difg = -
        difb = -
        for i in 0...fill
          r = - (difr/fill)*i
          g = - (difg/fill)*i
          b = - (difb/fill)*i
        fill = c*width/m
        difr = -
        difg = -
        difb = -
        for i in 0...fill
          r = - (difr/fill)*i
          g = - (difg/fill)*i
          b = - (difb/fill)*i
  def hp_bar(actor,x,y,width,height = 8)
  def sp_bar(actor,x,y,width,height = 8)

  # Window_Base Addon ENDS
  # Containers Class BEGINS

class Game_Containers
  attr_accessor :store
  def initialize
    @store = {}
  def create(number=0, items=[], weapons=[], armors=[])
    @store[$game_map.map_id][number] =, weapons, armors)
    $container = @store[$game_map.map_id][number]
    $scene =
  def load(number)
    $container = @store[$game_map.map_id][number]
    $scene =

class Scene_Title
  alias jimmr_icre_command_new_game command_new_game
  def command_new_game
    $containers =

class Game_Map
  alias jimmr_icre_setup setup
  def setup(map_id)
    if $[@map_id] == nil
    $[@map_id] = {}

  # Containers Class ENDS
  # Container Class BEGINS

class Game_Container
  attr_accessor :items, :weapons, :armors
  def initialize(items=[], weapons=[], armors=[])
    @items = items
    @weapons = weapons
    @armors = armors
  def number(item)
    @item = item
    @number = 0
    case @item
    when RPG::Item
      self.items.each{|a|@number = a[1] if a[0] ==}
    when RPG::Weapon
      self.weapons.each{|a|@number = a[1] if a[0] ==}
    when RPG::Armor
      self.armors.each{|a|@number = a[1] if a[0] ==}
    return @number
  def useable(item)
    @item = item
    case @item
    when RPG::Item
      @number = number(@item)
      return ((item.occasion == 0 or item.occasion == 2) && @number > 0)
  def remove(item, number)
    @number = number
    @item = item
    case @item
    when RPG::Item
      self.items.each{|a|a[1] -= @number if a[0] ==;self.items.delete(a) if a[1] == 0}
    when RPG::Weapon
      self.weapons.each{|a|a[1] -= @number if a[0] ==;self.weapons.delete(a) if a[1] == 0}
    when RPG::Armor
      self.armors.each{|a|a[1] -= @number if a[0] ==;self.armors.delete(a) if a[1] == 0}
  def add(item, number)
    @number = number
    @item = item
    @found = false
    case @item
    when RPG::Item
      self.items.each{|a|if a[0] ==; a[1] += @number; @found =  true; end}
      self.items.push([,@number]) if @found == false
    when RPG::Weapon
      self.weapons.each{|a|if a[0] ==; a[1] += @number; @found =  true; end}
      self.weapons.push([,@number]) if @found == false
    when RPG::Armor
      self.armors.each{|a|if a[0] ==; a[1] += @number; @found =  true; end}
      self.armors.push([,@number]) if @found == false
  def toss(item,number)
    @item = item
    @cnumber = 0
    case @item
    when RPG::Item
      self.items.each{|a|@cnumber = a[1] if a[0] ==}
      @number = [number,@cnumber].min
    when RPG::Weapon
      self.weapons.each{|a|@cnumber = a[1] if a[0] ==}
      @number = [number,@cnumber].min
    when RPG::Armor
      self.armors.each{|a|@cnumber = a[1] if a[0] ==}
      @number = [number,@cnumber].min
    return @cnumber
  def to_party(item,number)
    @item = item
    @carry = [99 - $game_party.number(@item),MAX_ITEMS-$game_party.total_items].min
    return false if @carry == 0
    @tnumber = [number,@carry].min
    @cnumber = 0
    case @item
    when RPG::Item
      self.items.each{|a|@cnumber = a[1] if a[0] ==}
      @number = [@tnumber,@cnumber].min
    when RPG::Weapon
      self.weapons.each{|a|@cnumber = a[1] if a[0] ==}
      @number = [@tnumber,@cnumber].min
    when RPG::Armor
      self.armors.each{|a|@cnumber = a[1] if a[0] ==}
      @number = [@tnumber,@cnumber].min
    return @cnumber
    def from_party(item,number)
    @item = item
    @carry = $game_party.number(@item)
    @tnumber = [number,@carry].min
    @cnumber = 99
    case @item
    when RPG::Item
      self.items.each{|a|@cnumber = (99-a[1]) if a[0] ==}
      @number = [@tnumber,@cnumber].min
    when RPG::Weapon
      self.weapons.each{|a|@cnumber = (99-a[1]) if a[0] ==}
      @number = [@tnumber,@cnumber].min
    when RPG::Armor
      self.armors.each{|a|@cnumber = (99-a[1]) if a[0] ==}
      @number = [@tnumber,@cnumber].min
    return @carry

  # Container Class ENDS
  # Selectable Window Addon BEGINS
  class Window_Selectable < Window_Base
    alias jimmr_lite_container_update update
    def update
      @index = [@index,@item_max-1].min
  # End SDK Enabled Check

  class Scene_Save < Scene_File
    alias jimmr_lite_container_save_data write_save_data
    def write_save_data(file)
      Marshal.dump($containers, file) if $containers != nil
  class Scene_Load < Scene_File
    alias jimmr_lite_container_load_data read_save_data
    def read_save_data(file)
      $containers = Marshal.load(file)

Alright. The fruit of my work, so far. This "little snippet" of code will do the following:
  • The player can choose what items they want to take from containers.
  • The player can put items from their inventory into containers.
  • Why? Because there's an item limit.

But apart from that, the player can also:
  • Discard items both from the container and inventory.
  • Use items both from the container and inventory.

As an added plus, the map updates while in the menu, so decide quickly!
The only things you can easily change are purposely at the top.

Now, to call this baby...
$containers.create(ID,[[Item1,Number],[Item2,Number]], [[Weapon1,Number]], [[Armor1, Number]])

ID is the container's number. Each map has their own unique containers!
Yes, that means that you can't make "banks" (but you will be able to in the "non-Lite" version), but it also means that you won't have to keep track of how many containers are in all the other parts of the game.

Item1, Item2, Weapon1 & Armor1 are of course items in the database. For example, a potion would be 1.

Number is the number of that item you want in the container.

For example, if I want a container with 3 Potions, 1 High Potion, 1 Bronze Sword, 2 Mithril Spears, and a Bronze Shield, I'd use this call script:

Another example, creating a container with 5 high potions and 2 high perfumes, but nothing else:
$containers.create(ID,[[2,5],[5,2]], [], [])

Now what's the ID for? Well, if you just go ahead and create a new container every time the player runs an event, the items would never end. Therefore, make use of local switches, and on the following page use this call script instead:

Remember, each map has its own unique container ID's.

Now, if you have a legal version of RMXP and use the SDK, there's nothing else to do.
If you use Postality Knights Edition, you need to search for all instances of "$defaultfont" and remove the comments on those lines.
If you don't use the SDK, put comments in front of the two first and the very last line of code.

That's all really. There should be no need for a demo, but here are some screenies!

Have fun!
