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Equipment Scrolling System
Equipment Scrolling System
by LeGAcY
Version: 1.00
May 12 2006

This is a locked, single-post thread from Creation Asylum. Archived here to prevent its loss.
No support is given.


Lets you scroll through your equipment from the map.


# Equipment Scrolling System
# LegACy  
# Version 1.00
# 1.20.06
# This script was made for my submition on CA's scripting contest, my first script
# ever. It allows player to scroll through equipment from map using Q and W buttons.
# To change from weapon to armor, use number 1 until 5 buttons. To view the stat
# use the 'Tab' Button.
# For customization, look at lines 220 - 223
# Special thanks to Cybersam for his keyboard input script

  # ** Window_Weapon
  class Window_Weapon < Window_Base
    # * Initializing
    def initialize(actor = 0)
      super(0, 0, 200, 56)
      self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
      self.back_opacity = 160
      @actor = actor
      @weapon = $data_weapons[$game_party.actors[actor].weapon_id]
      @shield = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[actor].armor1_id]
      @helmet = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[actor].armor2_id]
      @armor = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[actor].armor3_id]
      @accesory = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[actor].armor4_id]
    # * Update
    def update    
      self.contents.font.color = system_color
      self.contents.draw_text(40, -4, 120, 32, "None")
      case $equipment
      when 0
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].weapon_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(40, -4, 120, 32,
          bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(@weapon.icon_name)
          self.contents.blt(4, 2, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
      when 1
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor1_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(40, -4, 120, 32,
          bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(@shield.icon_name)
          self.contents.blt(4, 2, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
      when 2
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor2_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(40, -4, 120, 32,
          bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(@helmet.icon_name)
          self.contents.blt(4, 2, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
      when 3
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor3_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(40, -4, 120, 32,
          bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(@armor.icon_name)
          self.contents.blt(4, 2, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
      when 4
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor4_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(40, -4, 120, 32,
          bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(@accesory.icon_name)
          self.contents.blt(4, 2, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24), opacity)
  # ** Window_Description
  class Window_Description < Window_Base
    # * Initializing
    def initialize(actor = 0)
      super(0, 0, 440, 56)
      self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
      self.back_opacity = 160
      @actor = actor
      @weapon = $data_weapons[$game_party.actors[actor].weapon_id]
      @shield = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[actor].armor1_id]
      @helmet = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[actor].armor2_id]
      @armor = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[actor].armor3_id]
      @accesory = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[actor].armor4_id]
    # * Update
    def update    
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(4, -4, 436, 32, "")
      case $equipment
      when 0
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].weapon_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(4, -4, 436, 32, @weapon.description)
      when 1
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor1_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(4, -4, 436, 32, @shield.description)
      when 2
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor2_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(4, -4, 436, 32, @helmet.description)
      when 3
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor3_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(4, -4, 436, 32, @armor.description)
      when 4
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor4_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(4, -4, 436, 32, @accesory.description)
  # ** Window_Parameter
  class Window_Parameter < Window_Base
  # * Initialize
    def initialize(actor = 0)
      super(0, 0, 200, 120)
      self.contents = - 32, height - 32)  
      self.back_opacity = 160
      @actor = actor
      @weapon = $data_weapons[$game_party.actors[@actor].weapon_id]
      @shield = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[@actor].armor1_id]
      @helmet = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[@actor].armor2_id]
      @armor = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[@actor].armor3_id]
      @accesory = $data_armors[$game_party.actors[@actor].armor4_id]
  # * Update
  def update    
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(128, -4, 50, 32, "")
      self.contents.draw_text(128, 30, 40, 32, "")
      self.contents.draw_text(128, 60, 40, 32, "")
      case $equipment
      when 0
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].weapon_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(128, -4, 40, 32, @weapon.atk.to_s)
          self.contents.draw_text(128, 30, 40, 32, @weapon.pdef.to_s)
          self.contents.draw_text(128, 60, 40, 32, @weapon.mdef.to_s)
      when 1
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor1_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(128, -4, 50, 32, "None")
          self.contents.draw_text(128, 30, 40, 32, @shield.pdef.to_s)
          self.contents.draw_text(128, 60, 40, 32, @shield.mdef.to_s)
      when 2
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor2_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(128, -4, 50, 32, "None")
          self.contents.draw_text(128, 30, 40, 32, @helmet.pdef.to_s)
          self.contents.draw_text(128, 60, 40, 32, @helmet.mdef.to_s)
      when 3
        unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor3_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(128, -4, 50, 32, "None")
          self.contents.draw_text(128, 30, 40, 32, @armor.pdef.to_s)
          self.contents.draw_text(128, 60, 40, 32, @armor.mdef.to_s)
      when 4
       unless $game_party.actors[@actor].armor4_id == 0
          self.contents.draw_text(128, -4, 50, 32, "None")
          self.contents.draw_text(128, 30, 40, 32, @accesory.pdef.to_s)
          self.contents.draw_text(128, 60, 40, 32, @accesory.mdef.to_s)
      self.contents.font.color = system_color
      self.contents.draw_text(4, -4, 120, 32, $data_system.words.atk)
      self.contents.draw_text(4, 30, 120, 32, $data_system.words.pdef)
      self.contents.draw_text(4, 60, 120, 32, $data_system.words.mdef)
  # ** Scene_Map
  class Scene_Map
    # * Alias Listings
    alias legacy_equipscroll_scenemap_main main
    alias legacy_equipscroll_scenemap_update update
    # * Main
    def main
      # Customization
      @actor = 0 # Actor on party (arshes is 0, basil is 1, etc)
      @descript = true # True if you want to have the description window appear
      @stat = true # True if you want to have the parameter window appear
      @armor = true # True if you want to have armor scroll as well
      # End of Customization
      @weapon =
      @weapon.x = 440
      @description =
      @description.x = 640
      @parameter =
      @parameter.x = 440
      @parameter.y = -120
      unless @descript == true
        @description.visible = false
      unless @stat == true
        @parameter.visible = false
    # * Update
    def update
      if Kboard.keyboard($R_Key_1)
        unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or @armor == false
          $equipment = 0          
      if Kboard.keyboard($R_Key_2)
        unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or @armor == false
          $equipment = 1          
      if Kboard.keyboard($R_Key_3)
        unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or @armor == false
          $equipment = 2          
      if Kboard.keyboard($R_Key_4)
        unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or @armor == false
          $equipment = 3
      if Kboard.keyboard($R_Key_5)
        unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running? or @armor == false
          $equipment = 4
      if Kboard.keyboard($R_Key_TAB)
        unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running?
          if @parameter.y != -120
            @parameter.y = -120
            @parameter.y = 56
          if @description.x != 0
            @description.x = 0
            @description.x = 640
      if Input.trigger?(Input::R)
        unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running?
          case $equipment
          when 0
            i = $game_party.actors[@actor].weapon_id + 1
            if i == $data_weapons.size
              i = 1
            $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
            while i != $game_party.actors[@actor].weapon_id
              i +=1
              if i == $data_weapons.size
                i = 1
              $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
          when 1
             i = $game_party.actors[@actor].armor1_id + 1              
             if i == $data_armors.size
               i = 1
             $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
             while i != $game_party.actors[@actor].armor1_id or $data_armors[i].kind != 0
                i +=1
              if i == $data_armors.size
                i = 1
              $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
          when 2
             i = $game_party.actors[@actor].armor2_id + 1              
             if i == $data_armors.size
               i = 1
             $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
             while i != $game_party.actors[@actor].armor2_id or $data_armors[i].kind != 1
                i +=1
              if i == $data_armors.size
                i = 1
              $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
          when 3
             i = $game_party.actors[@actor].armor3_id + 1              
             if i == $data_armors.size
               i = 1
             $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
             while i != $game_party.actors[@actor].armor3_id or $data_armors[i].kind != 2
                i +=1
              if i == $data_armors.size
                i = 1
              $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
          when 4
             i = $game_party.actors[@actor].armor4_id + 1              
             if i == $data_armors.size
               i = 1
             $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
             while i != $game_party.actors[@actor].armor4_id or $data_armors[i].kind != 3
                i +=1
              if i == $data_armors.size
                i = 1
              $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
          $scene =
      if Input.trigger?(Input::L)
        unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running?
          case $equipment
          when 0
            i = $game_party.actors[@actor].weapon_id - 1
            if i <= 0
              i = $data_weapons.size - 1
            $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
            while i != $game_party.actors[@actor].weapon_id
              i -=1
              if i <= 0
                i = $data_weapons.size - 1
              $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
            when 1
              i = $game_party.actors[@actor].armor1_id - 1
            if i <= 0
              i = $data_armors.size - 1
            $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
            while i != $game_party.actors[@actor].armor1_id or $data_armors[i].kind != 0
              i -=1
              if i <= 0
                i = $data_armors.size - 1
              $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
            when 2
              i = $game_party.actors[@actor].armor2_id - 1
            if i <= 0
              i = $data_armors.size - 1
            $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
            while i != $game_party.actors[@actor].armor2_id or $data_armors[i].kind != 1
              i -=1
              if i <= 0
                i = $data_armors.size - 1
              $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
            when 3
              i = $game_party.actors[@actor].armor3_id - 1
            if i <= 0
              i = $data_armors.size - 1
            $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
            while i != $game_party.actors[@actor].armor3_id or $data_armors[i].kind != 2
              i -=1
              if i <= 0
                i = $data_armors.size - 1
              $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
            when 4
              i = $game_party.actors[@actor].armor4_id - 1
            if i <= 0
              i = $data_armors.size - 1
            $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
            while i != $game_party.actors[@actor].armor4_id or $data_armors[i].kind != 3
              i -=1
              if i <= 0
                i = $data_armors.size - 1
              $game_actors[@actor + 1].equip($equipment, i)
          $scene =
  #  Keyboard Script
  # Cybersam
  # Date: 25/05/05
  # Version 4

  module Kboard
    $RMouse_BUTTON_L = 0x01        # left mouse button
    $RMouse_BUTTON_R = 0x02        # right mouse button
    $RMouse_BUTTON_M = 0x04        # middle mouse button
    $RMouse_BUTTON_4 = 0x05        # 4th mouse button
    $RMouse_BUTTON_5 = 0x06        # 5th mouse button
    $R_Key_BACK      = 0x08        # BACKSPACE key
    $R_Key_TAB       = 0x09        # TAB key
    $R_Key_RETURN    = 0x0D        # ENTER key
    $R_Key_SHIFT     = 0x10        # SHIFT key
    $R_Key_CTLR      = 0x11        # CTLR key
    $R_Key_ALT       = 0x12        # ALT key
    $R_Key_PAUSE     = 0x13        # PAUSE key
    $R_Key_CAPITAL   = 0x14        # CAPS LOCK key
    $R_Key_ESCAPE    = 0x1B        # ESC key
    $R_Key_SPACE     = 0x20        # SPACEBAR
    $R_Key_PRIOR     = 0x21        # PAGE UP key
    $R_Key_NEXT      = 0x22        # PAGE DOWN key
    $R_Key_END       = 0x23        # END key
    $R_Key_HOME      = 0x24        # HOME key
    $R_Key_LEFT      = 0x25        # LEFT ARROW key
    $R_Key_UP        = 0x26        # UP ARROW key
    $R_Key_RIGHT     = 0x27        # RIGHT ARROW key
    $R_Key_DOWN      = 0x28        # DOWN ARROW key
    $R_Key_SELECT    = 0x29        # SELECT key
    $R_Key_PRINT     = 0x2A        # PRINT key
    $R_Key_SNAPSHOT  = 0x2C        # PRINT SCREEN key
    $R_Key_INSERT    = 0x2D        # INS key
    $R_Key_DELETE    = 0x2E        # DEL key
    $R_Key_0         = 0x30        # 0 key
    $R_Key_1         = 0x31        # 1 key
    $R_Key_2         = 0x32        # 2 key
    $R_Key_3         = 0x33        # 3 key
    $R_Key_4         = 0x34        # 4 key
    $R_Key_5         = 0x35        # 5 key
    $R_Key_6         = 0x36        # 6 key
    $R_Key_7         = 0x37        # 7 key
    $R_Key_8         = 0x38        # 8 key
    $R_Key_9         = 0x39        # 9 key
    $R_Key_A         = 0x41        # A key
    $R_Key_B         = 0x42        # B key
    $R_Key_C         = 0x43        # C key
    $R_Key_D         = 0x44        # D key
    $R_Key_E         = 0x45        # E key
    $R_Key_F         = 0x46        # F key
    $R_Key_G         = 0x47        # G key
    $R_Key_H         = 0x48        # H key
    $R_Key_I         = 0x49        # I key
    $R_Key_J         = 0x4A        # J key
    $R_Key_K         = 0x4B        # K key
    $R_Key_L         = 0x4C        # L key
    $R_Key_M         = 0x4D        # M key
    $R_Key_N         = 0x4E        # N key
    $R_Key_O         = 0x4F        # O key
    $R_Key_P         = 0x50        # P key
    $R_Key_Q         = 0x51        # Q key
    $R_Key_R         = 0x52        # R key
    $R_Key_S         = 0x53        # S key
    $R_Key_T         = 0x54        # T key
    $R_Key_U         = 0x55        # U key
    $R_Key_V         = 0x56        # V key
    $R_Key_W         = 0x57        # W key
    $R_Key_X         = 0x58        # X key
    $R_Key_Y         = 0x59        # Y key
    $R_Key_Z         = 0x5A        # Z key
    $R_Key_LWIN      = 0x5B        # Left Windows key (Microsoft Natural keyboard)
    $R_Key_RWIN      = 0x5C        # Right Windows key (Natural keyboard)
    $R_Key_APPS      = 0x5D        # Applications key (Natural keyboard)
    $R_Key_NUMPAD0   = 0x60        # Numeric keypad 0 key
    $R_Key_NUMPAD1   = 0x61        # Numeric keypad 1 key
    $R_Key_NUMPAD2   = 0x62        # Numeric keypad 2 key
    $R_Key_NUMPAD3   = 0x63        # Numeric keypad 3 key
    $R_Key_NUMPAD4   = 0x64        # Numeric keypad 4 key
    $R_Key_NUMPAD5   = 0x65        # Numeric keypad 5 key
    $R_Key_NUMPAD6   = 0x66        # Numeric keypad 6 key
    $R_Key_NUMPAD7   = 0x67        # Numeric keypad 7 key
    $R_Key_NUMPAD8   = 0x68        # Numeric keypad 8 key
    $R_Key_NUMPAD9  = 0x69        # Numeric keypad 9 key
    $R_Key_MULTIPLY  = 0x6A        # Multiply key (*)
    $R_Key_ADD       = 0x6B        # Add key (+)
    $R_Key_SEPARATOR = 0x6C        # Separator key
    $R_Key_SUBTRACT  = 0x6D        # Subtract key (-)
    $R_Key_DECIMAL   = 0x6E        # Decimal key
    $R_Key_DIVIDE    = 0x6F        # Divide key (/)
    $R_Key_F1        = 0x70        # F1 key
    $R_Key_F2        = 0x71        # F2 key
    $R_Key_F3        = 0x72        # F3 key
    $R_Key_F4        = 0x73        # F4 key
    $R_Key_F5        = 0x74        # F5 key
    $R_Key_F6        = 0x75        # F6 key
    $R_Key_F7        = 0x76        # F7 key
    $R_Key_F8        = 0x77        # F8 key
    $R_Key_F9        = 0x78        # F9 key
    $R_Key_F10       = 0x79        # F10 key
    $R_Key_F11       = 0x7A        # F11 key
    $R_Key_F12       = 0x7B        # F12 key
    $R_Key_NUMLOCK   = 0x90        # NUM LOCK key
    $R_Key_SCROLL    = 0x91        # SCROLL LOCK key
    $R_Key_LSHIFT    = 0xA0        # Left SHIFT key
    $R_Key_RSHIFT    = 0xA1        # Right SHIFT key
    $R_Key_LCONTROL  = 0xA2        # Left CONTROL key
    $R_Key_RCONTROL  = 0xA3        # Right CONTROL key
    $R_Key_L_ALT    = 0xA4        # Left ALT key
    $R_Key_R_ALT    = 0xA5        # Right ALT key
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    $R_Key_SEP      = 0xBC        # , key
    $R_Key_DASH      = 0xBD        # - key
    $R_Key_DOTT      = 0xBE        # . key
    GetKeyState ="user32","GetAsyncKeyState",['i'],'i')
    GetKeyboardState ="user32","GetKeyState",['i'],'i')
    GetSetKeyState ="user32","SetKeyboardState",['i'],'i')
    def keyb(rkey)
       if != 0
         return 1
       return 0
    def keyboard(rkey) & 0x01 == 1
    def key(rkey, key = 0) & 0x01 == key
  # ** Scene_Title
  class Scene_Title
    # * Alias Listings
    alias legacy_equipscroll_scenetitle_newgame command_new_game    
    # * Command: New Game
    def command_new_game
      $equipment = 0

  • Scroll through your equipment with 'Q' and 'W' buttons
  • Change between equipment type with number (1-5) buttons
  • Show status and decription using 'Tab' button
  • Customizable suiting your need
"Scripting, It's my way of life." ~ Legacy

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  New Battle System V1.5 (Added Side View) Guedez 0 2,591 01-12-2006, 01:00 PM
Last Post: Guedez
  Scrolling Selectable Menu Ultrapokemaniac 0 2,335 01-08-2006, 01:00 PM
Last Post: Ultrapokemaniac
  Slipknot Advance Message System Sheol 0 2,447 01-02-2006, 01:00 PM
Last Post: Sheol
  Guedez's Atrubutes Select System V2.1 Guedez 0 2,592 12-09-2005, 01:00 PM
Last Post: Guedez
  My own Message System Sheol 0 2,398 11-22-2005, 01:00 PM
Last Post: Sheol

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