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Animated Options Script
Animated Options Script V1.0 by Samo, The thief
June 18, 2007

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The last year I had a great idea to improve the graphical appeareance of a game.
Let me see, there are battles, tileset,... MENUS!!! The Menus was the thing! After
a time, I saw Slipknot Animated_Sprite Script. This gave me agreat idea! Then I saw the Icon Command WIndow Script by Mewstrus! Great Idea too! So I decided to use both of them.
It was so hard to me to do a menu like that. But after one year I wanted to share this idea with you, and this script was born. It is really simple, it puts an icon before an option and when you have your cursor above it, it does an animation! All in one simple Script! You just create the icons, and your graphics will be improved! Really Good Feautures are included! Watch the below iNstructions for more details...

here it is:


-Animated Options Script V1.0 by Samo, The thief
@With Slipknot Animated Sprites Script

~What the heck is this script for?
The Options of any menu that uses a command window will have an icon with an animation
when you put the cursor above it.
It also supports resized windows, the ones that you need to scroll through, but always
be careful with this and use 32 multiples in any case.

~Really? How do I put it?
-Just put it above Main in a new slot.

~How do I use this damned thing?
Simple, just create the icons with the same name as the option like this:

NAME_#X where X is the frame number.

Now just see the Command window of an scene and try to see if there is an icon now.

~Something more to say?
Yes, it is a good feauture to add. Little Icons with animations in the menus.
They look Great! And it is sooo easy to do!

                                    Samo, The thief

class Window_Command < Window_Selectable
# @ Draw choice
MAX_FRAMES = 80     #How Many Frames will the animation take for max.
def draw_item(index, color)
   opacity = color == normal_color ? 255 : 128
   if ! @no_anims
     if FileTest.exist?("Graphics/Icons/" + @commands[index] + '_#1.png')
       rect =, 32 * index, self.contents.width - 32, 32)
       frames = [@commands[index] + '_#1.png']
       for i in 1..MAX_FRAMES
         if FileTest.exist?("Graphics/Icons/" + @commands[index] + '_#' + i.to_s + '.png')
           frames.push(@commands[index] + '_#' + i.to_s + '.png')
       anim =, 3, "icon")
       anim.x = self.x + 4 + 16
       anim.y = self.y + 32 * index + 19
       anim.z = self.z + 10
       @sprites[index] = anim
       rect =, 32 * index, self.contents.width - 8, 32)
     rect =, 32 * index, self.contents.width - 8, 32)
   self.contents.font.color = color
   self.contents.fill_rect(rect,, 0, 0, 0))
   self.contents.draw_text(rect, @commands[index])
  def initialize(width, commands, no_anims = false)
    @sprites = []
    super(0, 0, width, commands.size * 32 + 32)
    @item_max = commands.size
    @commands = commands
    self.contents = - 32, @item_max * 32) = $fontface
    self.contents.font.size = $fontsize
    @no_anims = no_anims
    self.index = 0
    if @sprites[self.index] != nil
    indexes = [self.index - 1 < 0 ? @item_max - 1 : self.index - 1, self.index + 1 > @item_max - 1 ? 0 : self.index + 1]
    for i in indexes
      if @sprites[i] != nil
  def update
    if Input.repeat?(Input::UP) or Input.repeat?(Input::LEFT) or Input.repeat?(Input::RIGHT) or Input.repeat?(Input::DOWN) or Input.repeat?(Input::L) or Input.repeat?(Input::R)
      if @sprites[self.index] != nil
      indexes = [self.index - 1 < 0 ? @item_max - 1 : self.index - 1, self.index + 1 > @item_max - 1 ? 0 : self.index + 1]
      for i in indexes
        if @sprites[i] != nil
  def x=(value)
    last_x = value
    for sprite in @sprites
      if sprite != nil
        sprite.x = self.x + 4 + 16
  def y=(value)
    last_y = value
    for i in 0...@sprites.size
      sprite = @sprites[i]
      if sprite != nil
        sprite.y = self.y + 32 * i + 19
  def z=(value)
    for sprite in @sprites
      if sprite != nil
        sprite.z = self.z + 10
  def height=(value)
    self.oy = self.oy if @sprites != []
  def index=(value)
    if @sprites[self.index] != nil
    indexes = [self.index - 1 < 0 ? @item_max - 1 : self.index - 1, self.index + 1 > @item_max - 1 ? 0 : self.index + 1]
    for i in indexes
      if @sprites[i] != nil
  def oy=(value)
    indexes = (self.height - 32) / 32
    for sprite in @sprites
      sprite.opacity = 0
    for i in (0 + self.oy / 32)...(0 + self.oy / 32 + indexes)
      sprite = @sprites[i]
      if sprite != nil
        sprite.opacity = 255
        if sprite != nil
          sprite.y = self.y + 32 * (i - (self.oy / 32)) + 19
  def dispose
    for sprite in @sprites
      if sprite != nil

#  ¦ Animated Sprites ¦
#   by Slipknot

class Animated_Sprite < Sprite
  # Attributes
  attr_accessor :frame, :delay
  attr_reader :bitmaps, :freeze
  #  bitmaps: are the names of the bitmaps used for each frame
  #  delay: time between frame changes, 10 = 1 sec
  #  type: icon, picture, character, battler, ...
  def initialize bitmaps, delay=10, type="picture"
    @method = RPG::Cache.method type
    self.bitmap = bitmaps[0]
    @bitmaps = bitmaps
    @delay = delay
    @frame = @count = 0
    @freeze = false
    Animation.push self
  # Self dispose and delete
  def dispose
    Animation.delete self
  # Hides and freeze, or show and defreeze
  def visible=(val)
    @freeze = (not val)
  # Defreeze, play animation
  def defreeze
    @freeze = false
  # Freeze, stop animation
  def freeze
    @freeze = true
  # Return the number of frames
  def size
  # Frame update
  def update
    return if @freeze or bitmaps.empty? or bitmaps.size == 1
    @count = (@count+1) % @delay
    return unless @count == 0
    @frame = (@frame+1) % bitmaps.size
    self.bitmap = bitmaps[@frame]

module Animation
  # Data initialization
  @data = []
  # Update all animations
  def self.update
    return if @data.empty?
    @data.each do |o|
  # Delete an animation
  def self.delete object
    @data.delete object
  # Delete all the animations
  def self.clear
    return if @data.empty?
    @data.each do |o|
      o.dispose if not o.disposed?
  # Freeze all the animations
  def self.freeze
    return if @data.empty?
    @data.each do |o|
  # Defreeze all the animations
  def self.defreeze
    return if @data.empty?
    @data.each do |o|
  # Adds an animation
  def self.push object
    @data.push object


~What the heck is this script for?
The Options of any menu that uses a command window will have an icon with an animation
when you put the cursor above it.
It also supports resized windows, the ones that you need to scroll through, but always
be careful with this and use 32 multiples in any case.

~Really? How do I put it?
-Just put it above Main in a new slot.

~How do I use this damned thing?
Simple, just create the icons with the same name as the option like this:

NAME_X where X is the frame number.

Now just see the Command window of an scene and try to see if there is an icon now.

~Something more to say?
Yes, it is a good feauture to add. Little Icons with animations in the menus.
They look Great! And it is sooo easy to do!

Enjoy the script and give me the credit.

Samo, the thief.

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