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Custom EXP Script
Custom EXP Script
by Dargor
Version: 2.2

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This is the new version of my crappy old 'Reseted EXP' script.
Basicaly, it works like FF Tactic EXP system.

Here's an example:

You start at level 1
You need 25 EXP to reach level 2, 100 EXP to reach level 3
You gain 50 EXP
You're now level 2 with 25/100 EXP


* Comes with a nice little EXP Editor!
* EXP is easier to handle with the RPG::Exp class
* Read/write EXP from Data/Exp.rxdata
* Allow/disallow actors to use this EXP System


Screenshots... You're kidding, right?


Maybe later.

# ** Custom EXP Script
#  Author: Dargor
#  Version 2.2
#  24/11/2007

# ** RPG::Exp
#  This class handles EXP list for all actors.

module RPG
  class Exp
    # * Object Initialization
    def initialize
      @list = []          # Exp list
      @actors = [1,2,7,8] # Actors affected by this EXP system
    # * Public Instance Variables
    attr_accessor :list
    attr_accessor :actors

# ** Game_Actor
#  This class handles the actor. It's used within the Game_Actors class
#  ($game_actors) and refers to the Game_Party class ($game_party).

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  # * Public Instance Variables
  attr_reader   :total_exp
  attr_accessor :exp_list
  # * Setup
  #     actor_id : actor ID
  alias dargor_total_exp_setup setup
  alias dargor_make_exp_list make_exp_list
  def setup(actor_id)
    @exp_list = @exp_list =
    @total_exp = 0
  # * Calculate EXP
  def make_exp_list
    if FileTest.exist?("Data/Exp.rxdata")
      $data_exp = load_data("Data/Exp.rxdata")
      if $data_exp.actors.include?(@actor_id)
        if $data_exp.list[@actor_id].nil?
          @exp_list = $data_exp.list[@actor_id]
  # * Change EXP
  #     exp : new EXP
  def exp=(exp)
    @exp = [[exp, 9999999].min, 0].max
    if not $data_exp.nil? and $data_exp.actors.include?(@actor_id)
      @total_exp = @exp
      # Level up
      while @total_exp >= @exp_list[@level+1] and @exp_list[@level+1] > 0
        @exp = @exp % @exp_list[@level+1]
        @level += 1
        # Learn skill
        for j in $data_classes[@class_id].learnings
          if j.level == @level
      # Level down
      while @total_exp < @exp_list[@level]
        @level -= 1
      # Level up
      while @exp >= @exp_list[@level+1] and @exp_list[@level+1] > 0
        @level += 1
        # Learn skill
        for j in $data_classes[@class_id].learnings
          if j.level == @level
      # Level down
      while @exp < @exp_list[@level]
        @level -= 1
    # Correction if exceeding current max HP and max SP
    @hp = [@hp, self.maxhp].min
    @sp = [@sp, self.maxsp].min

# ** Window_ExpEditor
#  This window displays EXP needed for a specific level.

class Window_ExpEditor < Window_Base
  # * Object Initialization
  def initialize
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @actor = nil
    @level = 1
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(0,0,320,32,'Current EXP')
    self.contents.draw_text(0,64,320,32,'New EXP')
    unless @actor.nil?
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
  # * Set
  def set(actor_id, level)
    @actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
    @level = level

# ** Scene_ExpEditor
#  This class performs EXP Editor screen processing.

class Scene_ExpEditor
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    # Initialize EXP object
    if FileTest.exist?("Data/Exp.rxdata")
      $data_exp = load_data("Data/Exp.rxdata")
      $data_exp =
    # Make system object
    $data_system = load_data("Data/System.rxdata")
    $game_system =
    # Make actor object
    $data_actors = load_data("Data/Actors.rxdata")
    $game_actors        =
    # Make classes and armors object
    $data_classes       = load_data("Data/Classes.rxdata")
    $data_armors        = load_data("Data/Armors.rxdata")
    # Make title graphic
    @sprite =
    @sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.title($data_system.title_name)
    # Make command window
    commands = ['Initialize', 'Save', 'Quit']
    @command_window =, commands) = false
    @command_window.x = 320
    @command_window.y = 64
    @command_window.back_opacity = 160
    # Make help window
    @help_window =
    @help_window.back_opacity = 160
    # Make actor window
    actors = []
    for i in 1...$data_actors.size
      case i
      when 0...10
        id = "00#{i}:"
      when 10...99
        id = "0#{i}:"
        id = "#{i}:"
      actors << id + $data_actors[i].name
    @actor_window =,actors)
    @actor_window.y = 64
    @actor_window.height = 12 * 32 + 32
    @actor_window.back_opacity = 160
    # Make level window
    levels = []
    for i in 1..99
      levels << "Level #{i}"
    @level_window =,levels) = false
    @level_window.x = 160
    @level_window.y = 64
    @level_window.height = 12 * 32 + 32
    @level_window.back_opacity = 160
    # Make exp window
    @exp_window = = false
    @exp_window.x = 348
    @exp_window.y = 288
    @exp_window.back_opacity = 160
    # Make editor window
    @editor_window =
    @editor_window.y = 192
    @editor_window.back_opacity = 160
    # Execute transition
    # Main loop
    loop do
      # Update game screen
      # Update input information
      # Frame update
      # Abort loop if screen is changed
      if $scene != self
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose of sprites
    # Dispose of windows
  # * Frame Update
  def update
  # * Load actors data
  def load_actors_data
    $data_actors = load_data("Data/Actors.rxdata")
    $game_actors        =
    level = @level_window.index + 1
    actor = @actor_window.index + 1
    @editor_window.set(actor, level)
    exp = $game_actors[actor].exp_list[level]
    @exp_window.number = exp
  # * Frame Update (Command Window)
  def update_command
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B) = true = false
    case @command_window.index
    when 0
      @help_window.set_text("Reset modifications")
    when 1
      @help_window.set_text("Save modifications")
    when 2
      @help_window.set_text("Quit the editor")
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      case @command_window.index
      when 0
      when 1
        Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/056-Right02", 80, 110)
      when 2
        $scene = nil
  # * Frame Update (Actor Window)
  def update_actor
    level = @level_window.index + 1
    actor_id = @actor_window.index + 1
    actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
    @help_window.set_text("Change #{}'s EXP list.")
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B) = false = true
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) = false = true
    @editor_window.set(actor_id, level)
  # * Frame Update (Level Window)
  def update_level
    level = @level_window.index + 1
    actor_id = @actor_window.index + 1
    actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
    @help_window.set_text("Change #{}'s EXP list for level #{level}.")
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B) = false = true
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C) = false = true
    actor = @actor_window.index + 1
    @editor_window.set(actor_id, level)
    exp = $game_actors[actor].exp_list[level]
    @exp_window.number = exp
  # * Frame Update (Exp Window)
  def update_exp
    level = @level_window.index + 1
    actor_id = @actor_window.index + 1
    actor = $game_actors[actor_id]
    @help_window.set_text("Choose the amount of EXP needed for #{} to reach level #{level}")
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B) = false = true
    elsif Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      level = @level_window.index + 1
      actor = @actor_window.index + 1
      $game_actors[actor].exp_list[level] = @exp_window.number = false = true
  # * Save EXP object
  def save_exp
    for i in 1...$data_actors.size
      if $data_exp.actors.include?(i)
        for j in 1..99
          $data_exp.list[i] = $game_actors[i].exp_list
    save_data($data_exp, "Data/Exp.rxdata")


Place the script above main, below all other script. The usual.

To choose which actors will be affected by this system, find the @actors under initialize in class EXP (at the top of the script).
Then, include any actor's id you want in the array.

@actors = [1, 3, 10000, etc.]

To enter the EXP Editor, go in main. Find this line:
$scene =

and replace it for
$scene =




Might be incompatible with other EXP systems.

Credits and Thanks

Credits goes to me (Dargor) obviously but also to FireStalker5 for requesting this script.

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