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 Stuff you're not fond of but everyone else loves
Consider this a sequel-thread to stuff you love but no one else seems to (which could totally do with a boot up the backside and a quick application of a Water of Life, if any Golden Sun fans out there know what I'm saying, wink wink nudge nudge). What are the things that you can't stand but everybody else loves?

Oh, and actual reasons are appreciated. It's not really a valid argument to say, "I don't like X because it's popular." This is a thread for saying why you don't get something that is popular. It's also not a bashing-thread. I know, I know, you want to tell us all why Pokemon Diamond & Pearl are so bad that they make your lungs shut down just so they don't have to breathe in the infectious stupid emanating from the cartridge but you can't just say, "SI TEH SUXX0ZRZ". Once again, actual reasons are appreciated. If we wanted mindless fury and hatred, we'd go to tumblr. Criticism, I believe is a powerful force for good. Criticism lets us know what works and what doesn't so we can get it right the next time and, sometimes, looking at popular things that are a bit naff can be a great way to teach us how to improve our own stuff.

So, yeah, to give mine, I'm not gonna harp on about Final Fantasy because everyone who knows me knows I'm not the biggest fan of Squeenix's series. I am, however, going to nominate RWBY as my pick. It absolutely baffles me why it's popular. The plot is absolutely wafer thin, with the first season doing nothing but establish who the (extremely stereotypical) characters are and the second only vaguely touching upon what the villains are trying to do and mostly just being concerned with developing the relationships between the characters. Now, that's not a bad thing in and of itself but if you just want to make a high school sitcom then, please, just make a high school sitcom. Don't try shoehorning in all these deeper plots about corruption and conspiracies that go nowhere and that none of the principle characters actually care about.

To give the most egregious example: all throughout the second season, all the grownups were getting their knickers in a twist over a coming war and yet we were never once told 1. Who the sides in this war would be, 2. What they would be fighting for, 3. Why anyone would risk fighting a massive conflict when humanity is supposed to have been pushed to the brink of extinction by the Grimm. The extended lore of the franchise raises so many interesting questions, none of which the show is interested in exploring. I wouldn't mind so much if the show just admitted it was all about the goofy high school stuff and overblown fights, then I could just write it off as stuff that's just not for me, but the fact that it tries to be more than that by having all this background lore and that it doesn't competently weave it into the main narrative just makes me want to march down to RoosterTeeth's offices and tell Miles Luna, "Would you please decide on a tone already and stick with it?" Be Harry Potter or be Saved by the Bell with swords.

What about you guys? What're those things everyone else loves but you can't stand? I'm interested.
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Stuff you're not fond of but everyone else loves - by Samven - 11-30-2015, 12:50 PM

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