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Fyre < Status Menu
Fyre < Status Menu
by FyreXKnight
Jul 1 2008

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Alright, let me first start off by saying that this is my very first script and quite honestly it's not really mine. I just edited the existing classes and added the Gradient bars (by SephirothSpawn). If you think it sucks or if you think it's great, give me ideas on how to improve it.


For the full-sized picture of the character, the name of the picture should be the character's name + "(Status)". So if your character's name is Aluxes, then the picture's name should be "Aluxes(Status)". The resolution is 232 x 434.

For the extra information, the name of the picture should be the character's name + "(Extra)". So if your character's name is Aluxes, then the picture's name should be "Aluxes(Extra)". The resolution is 244 x 209. On a side note, as mentioned below, I'm not too good a scripter, as this is my first one. So until I can figure out something else, all of the extra info has to be in graphic form.


0=]===> Rearranged everything so that's it's more organized.
0=]===> Added the gradient bars so that the status screen doesn't look so bland.
0=]===> Added the actor full-sized pics (mostly meant for the pics from Naramura, but they can be your own custom ones).
0=]===> Added the actor extra section so you can put anything extra you want for the character such as text (which as of now has to be in a graphical form) or a picture representing their element or anything else you would like it to be, it just has to be in graphical form (at least until I learn a little more about scripting).


0=]===> As far as I know, the only bug is with the slant bars. Once the character is at level 99, it glitches and gives you a script error. Everything is fine otherwise.

Custom Status Script
Just insert this right above Main and name it Fyre < Status.
# Highest value that the character's stats can reach.
ST_MAX = 999
# The extra title for the actors.
ST_EXTRA = "Biography:"

# ** Window_BaseStatus
#  I'm just adding a few methods to Window_Base and changing some values.

class Window_BaseStatus < Window
   def initialize(x, y, width, height)
    @windowskin_name = $game_system.windowskin_name
    self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin(@windowskin_name)
    self.x = x
    self.y = y
    self.width = width
    self.height = height
    self.z = 100
  # * Dispose
  def dispose
    # Dispose if window contents bit map is set
    if self.contents != nil
  # * Get Text Color
  #     n : text color number (0-7)
  def text_color(n)
    case n
    when 0
      return, 255, 255, 255)
    when 1
      return, 128, 255, 255)
    when 2
      return, 128, 128, 255)
    when 3
      return, 255, 128, 255)
    when 4
      return, 255, 255, 255)
    when 5
      return, 128, 255, 255)
    when 6
      return, 255, 128, 255)
    when 7
      return, 192, 192, 255)
  # * Get Normal Text Color
  def normal_color
    return, 255, 255, 255)
  # * Get Disabled Text Color
  def disabled_color
    return, 255, 255, 128)
  # * Get System Text Color
  def system_color
    return, 224, 255, 255)
  # * Get Crisis Text Color
  def crisis_color
    return, 255, 64, 255)
  # * Get Knockout Text Color
  def knockout_color
    return, 64, 0)
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # Reset if windowskin was changed
    if $game_system.windowskin_name != @windowskin_name
      @windowskin_name = $game_system.windowskin_name
      self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin(@windowskin_name)
  # * Draw Graphic
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_actor_graphic(actor, x, y)
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(actor.character_name, actor.character_hue)
    cw = bitmap.width / 4
    ch = bitmap.height / 4
    src_rect =, 0, cw, ch)
    self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, bitmap, src_rect)
  # * Draw Name
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_actor_name(actor, x, y)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 120, 32,
  # * Draw Class
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_actor_class(actor, x, y)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 236, 32, actor.class_name)
  # * Draw Level
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_actor_level(actor, x, y)
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 32, 32, "Lv.")
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 10, y, 24, 32, actor.level.to_s, 2)
  #Draws the actors full picture in the status window.
  def draw_actor_full(actor, x, y)
    actorfull = RPG::Cache.picture( + "(Status)")
    cw = actorfull.width
    ch = actorfull.height
    src_rect =, 0, cw, ch)
    self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, actorfull, src_rect)
  #Draws the picture for the extra information for each actor.
  def draw_actor_extra(actor, x, y)
    actorextra = RPG::Cache.picture( + "(Extra)")
    cw = actorextra.width
    ch = actorextra.height
    src_rect =, 0, cw, ch)
    self.contents.blt(x - cw / 2, y - ch, actorextra, src_rect)
    self.contents.draw_text(x / 3, y - 219, 120, 32, text, 2)
  # * Make State Text String for Drawing
  #     actor       : actor
  #     width       : draw spot width
  #     need_normal : Whether or not [normal] is needed (true / false)
  def make_battler_state_text(battler, width, need_normal)
    # Get width of brackets
    brackets_width = self.contents.text_size("[]").width
    # Make text string for state names
    text = ""
    for i in battler.states
      if $data_states[i].rating >= 1
        if text == ""
          text = $data_states[i].name
          new_text = text + "/" + $data_states[i].name
          text_width = self.contents.text_size(new_text).width
          if text_width > width - brackets_width
          text = new_text
    # If text string for state names is empty, make it [normal]
    if text == ""
      if need_normal
        text = "[Normal]"
      # Attach brackets
      text = "[" + text + "]"
    # Return completed text string
    return text
  # * Draw State
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  #     width : draw spot width
  def draw_actor_state(actor, x, y, width = 120)
    text = make_battler_state_text(actor, width, true)
    self.contents.font.color = actor.hp == 0 ? knockout_color : normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, width, 32, text)

  # * Draw HP
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  #     width : draw spot width
  def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 144)
    # Draw "HP" text string
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 32, 32, $data_system.words.hp)
    # Calculate if there is draw space for MaxHP
    if width - 32 >= 108
      hp_x = x + width - 108
      flag = true
    elsif width - 32 >= 48
      hp_x = x + width - 48
      flag = false
    # Draw HP
    self.contents.font.color = actor.hp == 0 ? knockout_color :
      actor.hp <= actor.maxhp / 4 ? crisis_color : normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(hp_x, y, 32, 32, actor.hp.to_s, 2)
    # Draw MaxHP
    if flag
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(hp_x + 32, y, 12, 32, "/", 1)
      self.contents.draw_text(hp_x + 46, y, 48, 32, actor.maxhp.to_s)
  # * Draw SP
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  #     width : draw spot width
  def draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y, width = 144)
    # Draw "SP" text string
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y, 32, 32, $data_system.words.sp)
    # Calculate if there is draw space for MaxHP
    if width - 32 >= 108
      sp_x = x + width - 108
      flag = true
    elsif width - 32 >= 48
      sp_x = x + width - 48
      flag = false
    # Draw SP
    self.contents.font.color = actor.sp == 0 ? knockout_color :
      actor.sp <= actor.maxsp / 4 ? crisis_color : normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(sp_x, y, 32, 32, actor.sp.to_s, 2)
    # Draw MaxSP
    if flag
      self.contents.font.color = normal_color
      self.contents.draw_text(sp_x + 32, y, 12, 32, "/", 1)
      self.contents.draw_text(sp_x + 46, y, 48, 32, actor.maxsp.to_s)
  # * Draw Parameter
  #     actor : actor
  #     x     : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y     : draw spot y-coordinate
  #     type  : parameter type (0-6)
  def draw_actor_parameter(actor, x, y, type)
    case type
    when 0
      parameter_name = $data_system.words.atk
      parameter_value = actor.atk
    when 1
      parameter_name = $data_system.words.pdef
      parameter_value = actor.pdef
    when 2
      parameter_name = $data_system.words.mdef
      parameter_value = actor.mdef
    when 3
      parameter_name = $data_system.words.str
      parameter_value = actor.str
    when 4
      parameter_name = $data_system.words.dex
      parameter_value = actor.dex
    when 5
      parameter_name = $data_system.words.agi
      parameter_value = actor.agi
    when 6
      parameter_name = $
      parameter_value =
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x, y + 2, 120, 32, parameter_name)
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 105, y, 36, 32, parameter_value.to_s, 2)
  # * Draw Item Name
  #     item : item
  #     x    : draw spot x-coordinate
  #     y    : draw spot y-coordinate
  def draw_item_name(item, x, y)
    if item == nil
    bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(item.icon_name)
    self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap,, 0, 24, 24))
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 212, 32,

  # * Draw Slant Bar(by SephirothSpawn)
  def draw_slant_bar(x, y, min, max, width = 152, height = 6,
      bar_color =, 0, 0, 255), end_color =, 255, 60, 255))
    # Draw Border
    for i in 0..height
      self.contents.fill_rect(x + i, y + height - i, width + 1, 1,, 50, 50, 255))
    # Draw Background
    for i in 1..(height - 1)
      r = 100 * (height - i) / height + 0 * i / height
      g = 100 * (height - i) / height + 0 * i / height
      b = 100 * (height - i) / height + 0 * i / height
      a = 255 * (height - i) / height + 255 * i / height
      self.contents.fill_rect(x + i, y + height - i, width, 1,, b, g, a))
    # Draws Bar
    for i in 1..( (min / max.to_f) * width - 1)
      for j in 1..(height - 1)
        r = * (width - i) / width + * i / width
        g = * (width - i) / width + * i / width
        b = * (width - i) / width + * i / width
        a = bar_color.alpha * (width - i) / width + end_color.alpha * i / width
        self.contents.fill_rect(x + i + j, y + height - j, 1, 1,, g, b, a))
# ** Window_Status
#  This window displays full status specs on the status screen.

class Window_Status < Window_BaseStatus
  # * Object Initialization
  #     actor : actor
  def initialize(actor)
    super(0, 0, 640, 480)
    self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
    @actor = actor
  # * Refresh
  def refresh
    self.contents.clear = "Century Gothic"
    self.contents.font.size = 18
    draw_actor_full(@actor, 490, 450)
    draw_actor_name(@actor, 4, 0)
    draw_actor_class(@actor, 4 + 144, 0)
    draw_actor_level(@actor, 80, 0)
    draw_actor_state(@actor, 300, 0)
    draw_slant_bar(x + 43, y + 58, @actor.hp, @actor.maxhp, 65, 6, bar_color =, 200, 255, 255), end_color =, 68, 196, 255))
    draw_slant_bar(x + 43, y + 88, @actor.sp, @actor.maxsp, 65, 6, bar_color =, 216, 223, 255), end_color =, 2, 218, 255))
    draw_slant_bar(x + 205, y + 58, @actor.exp_s.to_i, @actor.next_exp_s.to_i, 130, 6, bar_color =, 255, 130, 255), end_color =, 255, 70, 255))
    draw_actor_hp(@actor, 4, 42, 144)
    draw_actor_sp(@actor, 4, 72, 144)
    draw_slant_bar(x + 95, y + 136, @actor.atk, FYRECUSTOMSTATUS::ST_MAX, 80, 6, bar_color =, 50, 50, 255), end_color =, 24, 68, 255))
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 4, 120, 0)
    draw_slant_bar(x + 95, y + 156, @actor.pdef, FYRECUSTOMSTATUS::ST_MAX, 80, 6, bar_color =, 255, 50, 255), end_color =, 24, 68, 255))
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 4, 140, 1)
    draw_slant_bar(x + 95, y + 176, @actor.mdef, FYRECUSTOMSTATUS::ST_MAX, 80, 6, bar_color =, 50, 255, 255), end_color =, 24, 68, 255))
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 4, 160, 2)
    draw_slant_bar(x + 281, y + 136, @actor.str, FYRECUSTOMSTATUS::ST_MAX, 80, 6, bar_color =, 50, 50, 255), end_color =, 24, 68, 255))
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 190, 120, 3)
    draw_slant_bar(x + 281, y + 156, @actor.dex, FYRECUSTOMSTATUS::ST_MAX, 80, 6, bar_color =, 128, 0, 255), end_color =, 24, 68, 255))
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 190, 140, 4)
    draw_slant_bar(x + 281, y + 176, @actor.agi, FYRECUSTOMSTATUS::ST_MAX, 80, 6, bar_color =, 255, 50, 255), end_color =, 24, 68, 255))
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 190, 160, 5)
    draw_slant_bar(x + 281, y + 196,, FYRECUSTOMSTATUS::ST_MAX, 80, 6, bar_color =, 50, 255, 255), end_color =, 24, 68, 255))
    draw_actor_parameter(@actor, 190, 180, 6)
    draw_actor_extra(@actor, 130, 450)
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(165, 42, 80, 32, "Exp.")
    self.contents.font.color = normal_color
    self.contents.draw_text(165, 42, 84, 32, @actor.exp_s, 2)
    self.contents.draw_text(165 + 35, 42, 84, 32, "/", 2)
    self.contents.draw_text(165 + 82, 42, 84, 32, @actor.next_exp_s, 2)
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(270, 260, 96, 32, "Equipment")
    draw_item_name($data_weapons[@actor.weapon_id], 270, 298)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor1_id], 270, 326)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor2_id], 270, 354)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor3_id], 270, 382)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor4_id], 270, 410)
  def dummy
    self.contents.font.color = system_color
    self.contents.draw_text(320, 112, 96, 32, $data_system.words.weapon)
    self.contents.draw_text(320, 176, 96, 32, $data_system.words.armor1)
    self.contents.draw_text(320, 240, 96, 32, $data_system.words.armor2)
    self.contents.draw_text(320, 304, 96, 32, $data_system.words.armor3)
    self.contents.draw_text(320, 368, 96, 32, $data_system.words.armor4)
    draw_item_name($data_weapons[@actor.weapon_id], 320 + 24, 144)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor1_id], 320 + 24, 208)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor2_id], 320 + 24, 272)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor3_id], 320 + 24, 336)
    draw_item_name($data_armors[@actor.armor4_id], 320 + 24, 400)

# ** Scene_Status
#  This class performs status screen processing.

class Scene_Status
  # * Object Initialization
  #     actor_index : actor index
  def initialize(actor_index = 0, equip_index = 0)
    @actor_index = actor_index
  # * Main Processing
  def main
    # Get actor
    @actor = $game_party.actors[@actor_index]
    # Make status window
    @status_window =
    # Execute transition
    # Main loop
    loop do
      # Update game screen
      # Update input information
      # Frame update
      # Abort loop if screen is changed
      if $scene != self
    # Prepare for transition
    # Dispose of windows
  # * Frame Update
  def update
    # If B button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
      # Play cancel SE
      # Switch to menu screen
      $scene =
    # If R button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::RIGHT)
      # Play cursor SE
      # To next actor
      @actor_index += 1
      @actor_index %= $game_party.actors.size
      # Switch to different status screen
      $scene =
    # If L button was pressed
    if Input.trigger?(Input::LEFT)
      # Play cursor SE
      # To previous actor
      @actor_index += $game_party.actors.size - 1
      @actor_index %= $game_party.actors.size
      # Switch to different status screen
      $scene =


I don't need credit or want it really. This script isn't for me to bask in.

Thanks to: SephirothSpawn for his gradient bars; Anyone who uses this script.

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